13 Causes Of Great Affliction

Affliction has been a major Frontline concern for many people. Worst still, many do not know why they are afflicted, nor how they can come out of the discomfort. There are about 13 root causes of great affliction to discuss. We need to first understand what is affliction.

What is Affliction

Affliction is a state of distress, pain, grief, misery, difficulty, hardship, trouble, burden.

Types of Affliction

We have already discussed the many different types of afflictions, both generally and with respect to what we have in the bible. Here, we are looking at the different causes of affliction.

Causes Of Great Affliction

1. Sin

Sin is the fundamental cause of great affliction. Sin gave birth. Before the fall of Adam, there was no sin in the world and affliction wasn’t there too. The introduction of sin through the fall of Adam automatically brought affliction to man.

Because of the fall of Adam sin entered the world and death through sin. The sin of Adam caused the human spirit to be separated from God. The nature of man consequently became that of sin.

It was at this point that man lost his dominion and authority. Satan then took over as the god of the earth. The separation of man from God was the beginning of his calamity.

Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them. [Col. 3:9, 10; James 3:8, 9.]

Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it [using all its vast resources in the service of God and man]; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the earth.

Genesis 1:29 And God said, See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the land and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food.

At the beginning of creation, God created man in his likeness, blessed him, and placed the first man in authority in charge of the earth.

Unfortunately, Satan deceived Adam and Eve to disobey God. God cursed man and the earth because of that disobedience. Therefore the affliction of man started at that instance.

Genesis 1:29 And God said, See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the land and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food.

Genesis 1:30 And to all the animals on the earth and to every bird of the air and to everything that creeps on the ground–to everything in which there is the breath of life–I have given every green plant for food. And it was so.

Psalms 107:17 Fools because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted. The sin of Adam also introduced the worst type of affliction which is death This is the extent to which God hates sin.

2. Curses

Sometimes we go through difficulty or hardship because we are connected to certain people or groups. Causes of great affliction can also be collective.

For example; there can be a family curse on members of a certain family, it can be a whole community, even an entire country. Their curse can be placed by reason of their idol worship. It can be due to certain covenants they have entered with demons’ concern.

There are two kingdoms that fight over rulership on earth; The kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. If God pronounces a blessing on you, angels will follow up to actualize the blessing.

90% of all sicknesses or affliction in the world is caused by devils, it is demonic, never natural and the defeat of many, the demise of many is ignorant of this fact.

Main Causes of Great Affliction

There are two main causes of affliction; Spiritual causes and natural causes or physical causes. Natural causes can be as a result of natural disasters, natural conditions, situations beyond human control

Spiritual Causes of Great Affliction

3. Satan

90% of all causes of great affliction in the world are by the devil, it is demonic, never natural and the defeat of many, the demise of many is ignorant of this fact.

Most of the sickness is being orchestrated in the realm of the spirit by demons, sometimes through human agents. This kind of sickness resists medication, and some pose themselves as incurable.

 Most protracted illnesses and prolonged sicknesses are demonic, and what you simply need is prayer or somebody with a higher spiritual authority to cast out the demon or spirit of infirmity, and the sickness will vanish.

We humans are the ones to cast out demons, but it depends on the spiritual authority involved, this is why every believer needs to be spiritually strong.

 Some people will need fasting and prayer to cast out a demon, but some will need just a word. It depends on how you are strong spiritually.

Causes of Great Affliction In The New Testament

For the first time, the disciples of Jesus could not cast out a demon and they asked Jesus why? Jesus told them, this type does not go but with prayer and fasting. Demons operate in different hierarchies.

This does not mean they are powerful, no, they are not. It all depends on your level of faith which is determined by your level of knowledge in the word of God. if your faith level is low, any demon can trick you. The only weapon they have is deception.

Demons capitalize on human ignorance. Satan has no power at all, they simply capitalized on human ignorance, meaning, they use your power against you. The knowledge of God or the revealed knowledge of the word of God is the power of every Christian.

Satan knows how much of God you, are because he is a spirit and the word of God is a spirit too. The only thing that Satan fear is the word of God because the word of God created him and his demons,

and the word of God can destroy them. Even when Satan tempted Jesus, the son of God was only using the word of God against the devil.

This is exactly what happened in the Garden of Eden. Adam was the god of the earth before his fall. He had all the power over Satan as it were, but Satan collected everything through deceit.

Eve was ignorant of who God is. That’s why Satan could deceive them.

Thank God Jesus came and redeem man from the dominion of Satan, and restored man back to his original state. It’s only by ignorance that people still accept affliction from demons.

St. Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

St. Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

St. John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: St. John 1:13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Revelation 5:12 Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.

4. Human Ignorance

Human ignorance is one of the fundamental causes of great affliction. A demon can only overcome you in an area when you do not know God enough. Anybody can only deceive you on what you do not know. People are called professors because they have some depth in that area of profession.

The word of God is the power of God. The same word of God is also the wisdom of God. You need to understand who the word of God is. Knowledge is what you use to build your faith, once your faith is strong, as little as a mustard seed, you will be able to move any mountain.

The word of God is God himself. As you spend time with the word, you are spending time with, fellowshipping with the almighty God himself. This is how we receive power from God. God is light, the more we spend time with God, the more we are enlightened. This is how we are transformed gradually to be like God and eventually become gods.

Specifically, this is what we need to overcome spiritual battles. God introduce fasting to help weak faith, but the revealed knowledge of the word of God builds our faith to become strong.

If you know God enough, you can overcome any hierarchy of demons. This is why it’s important that you build up your spirit with the revealed knowledge of the word of God daily and consistently.

You can add fasting when your spiritual muscle cannot, is not strong enough to cast out a demon.

You need to become a son that is mature with built-up muscles, feeling strength and courage, moving about without fear of anything, knowing so well that he is ready to face anything that pops up. This is how believers should live Spiritually.

Identifying causes of great affliction is the fast route to freedom for many tormented believers.

Demons are not the same, some are bigger than some, but there is none the word of God cannot throw down, cast out or destroy, it all depends on your level of knowledge of the word of God.

You need to know that Satan and all his demons were created by the word of God. And only the word of God can destroy them. You can only use the power of the word to dislodge them anywhere, anytime.

This is why knowledge of the word is important. God does not afflict, neither does he cause any affliction. God does not run the earth for man, God had finished creation and handed the earth to man.

You determine what happens around using the knowledge of the word of God. This is why you must be committed to building your knowledge base in the word of God.

After God handed over the earth to man, God gave man a manual to use and run the earth. God never gave any demon any authority to run the earth.

Satan and all his demons are all strangers on Earth. God created the earth specifically for man. The demons including Satan are fallen angels from heaven.

They arrived on the earth as non-entities without any iota of power, not authority. They were just roaming the earth like that. But for the fall of Adam, nobody would have known they are around.

If you allow demons to run the earth for you, you gave them the mandate, not God.

5. Negative Confession

Negative confession is one of the Causes of great affliction.

The whole earth operates on one covenant; SEED TIME AND HARVEST. Whatever you use your mouth to say, that is what you will have.

Most of the results we get is what we demanded, either by our actions or word of mouth.

Turn Men

But when the result showed up, we completely forgot when we sowed the seed. This is simple; if you want to pass an exam with first class, be committed to your studies, but many will sleep, wake up and start speaking in tongues to cover up for the studies they are supposed to have done.

God himself has said; “whatever I hear you say, that is what I will do”

In the kingdom of God, what comes out of the mouth is what God uses to judge.

Causes of Affliction
Causes of Great Affliction

Ecclesiastes 5:6 Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin; neither say thou before the angel, that it was an error: wherefore should God be angry at thy voice, and destroy the work of thine hands?

1 Peter 3:10 For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:

You will be seriously afflicted if you don’t know how to use your tongue. Learn how to speak positive words, never indulge your tongue in speaking negative words because whatever you speak will surely come to pass.

Even when you are about to die, never confess it. Speak life instead. The moment you confess that you are going to die, you should make sure you have kept everything that will take care of your family first, to avoid affliction to your wife and children.

Even in the phase of any negative situation, speak positively.

Psalms 34:13 Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile.

There are no two ways to freedom, only one, and that is by strictly following the manual, which is the book of the knowledge of God.

God Does Not Afflict

Ignorance of this fact is also one of the causes of great affliction to many. Some people have accused God of trying to teach them a lesson or using sickness to try their faith, just as it happened to Job. God never tried JOB, Satan did.

God has never and will never afflict anyone with sickness, at least, not after Jesus died and was resurrected.

After the death of Jesus, all of God’s wrath on sin has been suspended till judgment day. Every form of torment, affliction, and infliction of any form is caused by Satan.

It’s not as if Satan has the power to afflict any soul after the death and resurrection of Jesus, but the ignorance of men has led to such manipulations by the devil.

Psalms 82:5 They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.

Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. Psalms 82:7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.

In the above scriptures, God never kill them, ignorance destroyed them because of a lack of knowledge.

This is why many servants are riding on horses and kings are rather the ones going on foot; IGNORANT, IT IS A TERRIBLE DISEASE.

God is all-powerful and wants you to live sickness free, if at all you are sick, there is provision for you to be healed instantly.

The Kingdom of Darkness And The Kingdom Of Light

There are two kingdoms in this world. The kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light. The kingdom of light is ruled by God almighty, and the kingdom of darkness is ruled by Satan.

Causes of Affliction
Causes of great Affliction

The two kingdoms are directly opposite to each other. The two kingdoms have rules or constitutions on which they operate. Every rule in the constitution of the Kingdom of Darkness is opposing what is in the constitution of the Kingdom of Light.

The foundation of the constitution of the kingdom of darkness is based on lies, deceit, and faulting whatever the kingdom of light says. While the kingdom of light is based on truth, the kingdom of darkness is based on lies or falsehood.

Biblically, Satan is the father of lies, lies are his natural language. You need to understand this basic truth to know why some things you do not understand happen to you. You do not expect Satan to start attacking cult members.

Those are not his enemy, they are rather those who patronize him, instead, he will do everything to make them comfortable, and do everything to discomfort you, so that those who patronize the devil will feel that is the camp to belong.

Every believer needs to be aware they have a common enemy which is Satan. This is the more reason believers should fortify, and arm themselves with the knowledge of the truth which is what the devil is afraid of.

Most causes of great affliction by the devil are so deceptive that it can only take someone with the good knowledge of the word to identify the root cause.

The truth, which is the word of God you know and understand is the weapon of defense and victory you need. This weapon is the power of God and the power you need.

Every demon knows how much of the word you know, why not, they are spirits, and faith is a spirit too. Spirits are not hidden from spirits like that.

This is why Satan cannot come near some people with sickness. There are those with such spiritual authority that no demon can come near them, merely sitting those people from afar, they will escape for their lives.

But where did those people get such authority from? From the same word of truth that you are being entreated with every day.

It is never everybody that Satan can afflict, there are those who are far above every demon, principalities.

6. Hatred

Hatred is another one of the causes of great affliction. Satan is the number one enemy of man. He was the one that orchestrated the fall of Adam which is the source of great affliction.

Biblically Satan will never go anywhere if not to steal, kill and destroy.

Satan does not have any power of his own to afflict any human being, those in his camp included. SATAN DOES NOT HAVE ANY POWER. If Satan has any power of his own, by now he would have finished slaughtering half of the believers in the world.

Believers around the world are a serious threat to the devil on a daily bases; with prayers, deliverance, preaching, telling people the truth, and evangelism.

Causes Of Great Affliction
Causes Of Great Affliction

Believers are destroying the kingdom of darkness everywhere by preaching of the word of truth, yet the devil cannot do anything to defend himself.

Believers are satan’s direct enemies on earth, believers are causing so much affliction to Satan every second. Those who are born of God are a threat to the devil. These are his direct enemies.

This is why believers must be armed with the revealed knowledge of the word of God, which is their weapon, their power, and their defense.

You will be seriously afflicted by the devil as a believer if you don’t know God enough.

The Earth Is The Lord’s

They are always praying, binding, sending fire, and destroying his kingdoms. Christians are preaching every day to convert most of their members to Christ.

Yet the devil cannot harm the children of God except those believers who do not arm themselves with the revealed knowledge of the word of God and those who are not doing the word.

The only thing Satan could do to Adam and Eve was to deceive them, he knew he had no atom of power or authority over them.

Our ignorance of the word of God and lack of doing the word is the loophole that Satan capitalizes on to bring affliction.

7. Fear

Fear is an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. This is a common one of the causes of great affliction. Satan is using this weapon to destroy manipulate and destroy some people. Fear is a result of ignorance. Even many christians fear satan more than God. Some people will not fear God, but they will fear satan.

Another demonic weapon of affliction is fear. Fear arises as a result of ignorance, and lack of knowledge.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

When you know enough, you are bold enough. Knowledge breeds courage, and boldness to confront situations. Satan will never be able to inflict any level of pain on anyone, not until there’s a level of fear.

Causes Of Great Affliction
Causes Of Great Affliction

Naturally, once you are fearful, people will easily take advantage of you. Fear causes affliction because fearful people are always afraid to act, confront situations, invest, or initiate critical innovation.

People with fear do not achieve much in life.

Fear Has Torment

Fear is an affliction on its own. It torments its victims, cages them in bondage.

Fear will always be present where there’s no faith. Once faith is absent, fear will quickly occupy the space. This is why you must be vast in the knowledge of the word of God to build your faith.

Fear is a spirit, just like faith is a spirit, but they are two opposites. Faith is used by God, fear is what Satan uses. You will always build fear with Satan but faith with God.

The believers’ weapon of victory is faith but fear breeds failure.

People with weak spirits will always fear, but those that have built up their spirits with the revealed knowledge of the word of God always have faith and courage to face any situation. Satan is afraid of the latter because they always quash him.

However, it is foolishness to fear anything other than God, for He is greater than all things. In Joshua 1:9, the Lord reminds Joshua, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

You need to open the bible and study everything that the word of God says about fear.

Sometimes, this fear can be difficult to recognize and might manifest in different ways than one might expect.

5 Signs That You Have The Spirit Of Fear

1, Worry and Indecision in Making Choices.

2. Compromise

3. Worry and Indecision in Making Choices

4. Avoiding the bible, church, and prayers

5. Feeling that God does not love you.

Most times you will need counsel from your pastor once you discover you are suffering under a spirit of fear.

Another thing you can do is study your bible consistently and read Christian books on overcoming the spirit of fear. Lack of knowledge makes people fear, therefore acquisition of knowledge is always the solution.

8. Natural Disasters

Most of the Causes of great affliction can be controlled except natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and snow. Natural disasters can cause the worst affliction.

Some causes of great affliction can be avoided but most time no one can avoid natural disasters except God. Only God can stop natural disasters.

9. War

Some causes of great affliction can be prevented. Wars are one of the causes of great affliction that can be prevented. War is also among the causes of great affliction.

Many people are displaced, and rendered homeless, destruction can be enormous. War can cause prolonged affliction which can last for years.

Causes of great affliction can inflict both physical and emotional damage. People undergo both physical and emotional affliction during the war.

Currently, there’s high global concern about war because of high technological innovations and advancement in weapons of destruction which has gone nuclear.

if there is the involvement of any nuclear weapon of destruction in today’s war, the damages can be unprecedented. Of all the causes of affliction mentioned, the affliction by nuclear weapons would be the most damaging.

10. Accident

The accident is another one of the causes of great affliction that can be prevented. Accidents occur as a result of carelessness, negligence, irresponsibility, and lack of coordination.

This is another cause of great affliction. Most often people can’t predict the extent of damages caused by accidents

11. Broken Relationship

Broken relationship is among the causes of great affliction. Broken relationship mostly causes emotional affliction. The emotional affliction can be severe and can be mild depending on the circumstances, people, and conditions involved.

Counsel For Victims

People involved in this affliction simply need counseling. If you are a victim of a broken relationship, a relationship is simply going out with someone in order to study, find out, and discover who the person is.

You need to understand that you can’t conclude on this person till you have finished all your findings. It’s important to be aware that you have not married this person yet.

You need to also be aware that at this stage anything can happen. I mean the chances that both of you will marry is fifty-fifty. It means at this stage the relationship is free to succeed and it’s equally free to break.

This is because both of you must be satisfied with each other before the relationship can succeed. If only one person is satisfied at the end of the day, the relationship must break.

Causes Of Great Affliction
Causes Of Great Affliction

If not, one person will always be happy while the other will always be afflicted emotionally. This is the reality that surrounds relationships.

Most often, what we rather observe is that one person will try to enforce the marriage because he or she is satisfied without considering the feelings of the other.

The broken heart is a result of the fact that the one not satisfied with his or her findings has forcefully broken the relationship.

The person moving on is preventing an affliction that might torment him or her for decades. We need to always think ahead and not be selfish. Emotional affliction can be severe to the point of causing high blood pressure.

For this reason, we should not be selfish, always think of the life of the opposite sex, and make sure he or she is satisfied too. This is very critical, you must have a way of finding out and being sure that everyone is satisfied in the relationship before you can marry one another.

I mean, you can only enjoy your spouse if he or she is emotionally sound.

12. Disappointment

Disappointment is one of the causes of great affliction. This can be a severe or mild affliction depending on the level of disappointment.

13. Choice

We all take responsibility for whatever choice we make in life. That’s why it’s better we look well before we leap.

Of all the causes of affliction, the choice is the most common because we all make choices every day, immediately, and long time.

Choices have formed part of our short-term and long-term plans. Most of the things we do have advantages and disadvantages.

Of course, the latter determines the level of suffering one can go through.

Overcoming Affliction

Once you initiate a relationship with the almighty God, that is the beginning of the end to all forms of affliction in your life.

In case you are not born of God yet, you cannot reject Jesus. You were created by Jesus for Jesus. God created you for himself and wants to live in you today.

To reject Jesus is to reject your life because Jesus is your life. Give your heart to Jesus today; repent, accept Jesus into your heart as your lord and savior, and be born of God now, it may be late after now!!!!! Do not postpone. Please follow these steps to obey God now.

If you are ready to allow Jesus to occupy your heart please pray this simple prayer;

Father in the name of Jesus, I repent of all my sins, forgive by the blood of Jesus, and take me as your child. I give you my heart lord, be my Lord and Savior today. I declare that I am born of God from today in Jesus’ name.

If you sincerely offered this prayer to God, believe that you are now born of God, and that’s what It is. Definitely, you will need someone to guide you on what to do next. Please click the WhatsApp button to chat with us, or send a mail, a text message, or a call.

Causes of great affliction and the affliction itself can be stopped generally by the acquisition of the revealed knowledge of the word of God.

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