The Spirit of Revelation is For Everybody

The spirit of revelation is for everybody, adult and young, male or female, The spirit of revelation is not a gift. There are gifts of the spirit that has selection of people but everybody needs the spirit of revelation. Spirit of understanding, the Holy Spirit is for everybody, not just pastors.

in fact, the spirit of revelation is a must have for every believer. It will be hard to fulfill your destiny without the spirit of revelation. Everything that has to do with God must be revealed because God is a spirit and we are visible.

The things of God can only be explained spiritually, it does not have anything to do with the physical. It was the invisible that created the visible. Even God has confirmed that this flesh profits nothing. Therefore everything about God is spiritual, and if it is spiritual, it means they are all hidden from the humans which is visible.

Therefor the things of God can only be revealed, and that, only by another spirit who is the Holy Spirit that replaced Jesus on earth. Do not depend on your pastor alone. God want to relate with you personally, God wants to teach you his word by himself. Pastors were there to lead you to God. Two to three hours of pastor’s teachings, once a week can never be enough for you to know God.

The Holy Spirit is on earth to teach everybody, not selected people. That’s why the spirit of revelation is for everybody. The Holy Spirit is here to teach us by himself, not through your pastor. Your pastor has to start because you are still too young in faith, you have not grown yet to be sensitive to the voice of God.

Therefore your pastor has to teach you how to hear from God, just as Eli taught Samuel. Do not forget hat Satan also speaks. You must be able to distinguish between the voice of Satan and hat of God, and this can only happen after you are matured as a believer.

Your pastor grooms you to be able to relate with God. Once you have grown to the stage of being able to detect he voice of God, then the primary assignment of building your spirit is in your hands, through how much of your time you devout to it.

Teach your children on time that the spirit of revelation is for everybody

The spirit of revelation is for everybody, you must create that awareness to your children from when they are teenagers, they must know and be aware of that responsibility on time. We must be responsible, there are basic hings your children must know and be aware quite on time, when they are still young.

They might not be able to utilize this fact effectively when their age have advanced.

You cannot leave the building of your faith and spirit to your pastor, he does not have enough time to accomplish that. You meet in church twice a week, not every day. You need to stay on the word of God for at least 5 hours every day.

Believe me the 5 hours is not enough for what you need to accomplish. Tell me, where are you now on the fulfillment of your destiny. You are still being limited in life, you are still living below standard, you are still being sick, what level of dominion are you commanding at will? How many demons are afraid of your presence? Nobody is sick in your house? What is your level of dominion in the spiritual realm? What is the level of spiritual authority in the realm of the spirit?

You mean you cannot spend 5 hours a day in the word of God, yet you cannot boast of two million in your account. How much power have you, that you can speak and the elements of the earth will obey. Do not be a fool, you are the god of the earth, and the earth was created for man. The sun is supposed to obey you, the moon is supposed to move at your command.

Angels are strangers in the earth, man owns and rules the earth. Apart from fallen angels, God never sent any other angel to the earth before the fall of Adam. Angels came after the fall to assist man, because man had lost his authority and dominion. Adam was completely in charge of the earth before the fall, every element in the earth were all in obedience, living and non-living.

Lookup again o man, you have been returned to the Garden of Eden as the god of the earth, but you must enter there by knowledge through the spirit of revelation and understanding. This is why you must leave everything and stay on knowledge. Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you the word till you are back in the garden.

The word of God is the power of God, the word of God is the wisdom of God, the word of God is life, and the word of God is the totality of who God is. It was the word of God that created the earth, it was the word of God that created the heaven, it was the word of God that created Angels.

 It means the word of God created Satan and his demons, and only the word of God can destroy them. God is giving you himself by giving you his word. As you stay with the word you are spending time with God, you are spending time with wisdom, you are gaining power, you are gaining wisdom, you are gaining life, and you are gaining God himself. This is how you become god over time.

It is impossible to fulfill your destiny without spending enough time with the word of God. The power that delivers spiritual authority is only in the word of God. The word of God is the only food that builds the spirit of man.

Luke 11:21-22

21 When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace:

22 But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.

V22. But when a stronger than he shall come upon him and overcome him, he takes from him all his armor wherein he trusted, and divided his spoils.

Luke 11:27-28

Therefore man can only be perfect when operating in the kingdom of God. This is one of the main reason why the spirit of revelation is for everybody I still need to cast your mind back that there are 2 kingdoms; the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light which is the kingdom of God, and of course, the word of God is the kingdom of God.

If everybody strives to be perfect, then the spirit of revelation is for everybody. The biblical meaning of perfection is the mastering of the understanding of the knowledge of the word of God. You cannot master the understanding of the knowledge of the word when you do not have the spirit of revelation. The 2 key words there are mastering and understanding, meaning you have to stay on it consistently till the word has become you and you the word.

To explain more of this; the Holy Spirit has to become your teacher over time. I still have to say again, that the word of God is God. When you stay with the word, you stay with God and when you stay with God over time, you eventually become who God is. Forget whether to what extent, take what God himself deposits in you and continue.

The word of God is the only source of spiritual authority. The more you stay on the word, the more spiritual authority you gain. Every man should understand that God does not want to develop any form of relationship with man again if not through his word. God has channeled everything that has to do with man to his word, and if this is true then the spirit of revelation is for everybody.

You need to also understand that it was the word of God than came down from heaven and took the form of man and answer the name Jesus just to save man. It was the word of God that actually died for man with the name. it was because of his humility that God had to give him the name Jesus which is above every other….

Psalm 34:5

They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.

Moses was with God for some days and by the time he returned to the children of Israel, they could not look at his face because of the glory. Moses was gradually turning into light himself because he spent time with light.

Please, please note very importantly that whatever I am explaining here has nothing to do with your church attendance. What you hear your pastor preach will never add one cubit of God to your system. If you want me to repeat, I will. What you listen to your pastor preach in church will never add one cubit of God to your system.

Many believers still do not understand God because they do not study their bible well. Your pastor is only a shepherd, never the Holy Spirit. The shepherd is to guide you to where there is green pastures; he does not eat the pastures for you.

The pastures your pastor eat is for his or her own benefit, for his own system, it will never do you any good. God can never relate with you through your pastor, never. Therefore whatever you need personally, cannot come from your pastor to you. How do you think a pastor will stand in a congregation of 500 people and be able to diagnose the spiritual system of each and every one of them and proffer solution? You deceive yourself a lot.

Joshua 1:8 (King James Version)

8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

This is a command, and this command is for everybody. The word of God is not only our life manual on earth, it is also the power to live by, therefore you must study it, you must spend enough time with it each day, we must understand it completely through the teachings of the Holy Spirit.

This is why the spirit of revelation is for everybody. Every believer must understand the word because you need he power of the word to live on earth. The word of God is our only source of power as believers. The unbelievers are doing all sought of things to gain power for dominion, we do not have any other backup than the word of God.

If we are to gain our position of authority and dominion, we must gain mastery in the word first.

The word of God is the only tool we use for a great destiny achievement. The whole world and all its content was created by the word of God. Satan is the only enemy of man on earth. Satan can never fight against God because he cannot succeed in that. Nothing can fight against God, absolutely nothing, whatsoever, nothing.

The only root Satan uses to resist God is to fight against man. Man came to earth as God’s instrument, God’s companion. God created man for himself. Even angels were jealous of the love of God for man.

God created earth for man and whatever plan God has for earth has to pass through man whom God kept in charge of the earth. Therefore God does not have any form of direct involvement in things of the earth.

God uses man in executing anything whatsoever on earth.

Satan is on earth, God does not live on earth. Satan does not have access to where God lives, he cannot go there. Since the day God throw Satan down from heaven to earth, Satan does not and cannot pass any boundary of the earth. Satan will forever remain on earth till the day of his judgement.

Satan only sees angels of God when they come to the earth. You need to know that the Holy Spirit is on earth too.

The Holy Spirit is on earth right now and he works with Angels to achieve one goal; making sure the word of God comes to pass.

The Holy Spirit and the angels are not here to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with believers everyday, they are not here to make us laugh, they are not here to make you laugh, in fact they are not here to protect you. It is your faith that takes care of you, not the Holy Spirit nor angels.

The only thing, only one thing the Holy Spirit and angels are here to do is to defend the word of God by making sure it comes to pass at any point in time it is invoked.

I am still trying my best and the God of heaven will help EMEM PETER to make you understand why the only thing you need on earth is THE WORD OF GOD. You must understand why it is of imperative necessity for every believer to spend at least 5 hours with the word of God EVERY DAY. i DID NOT SAY TWICE A WEEK. I SAID EVERY DAY. At least 5 hours every day.

I did not mean spending 3 hours in church service. I mean you taking your bible to the library or a quiet place and spend 5 hours studying it with the spirit of revelation.

Spirit of revelation or understanding is

Psalm 119:105 (King James Version)

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

I wish we all know the plan of God for each and every one of us on earth, not in heaven.

In fact you can know that of heaven; Eternal life.

But what of the one on earth?

1corinthian 2:9 (King James Version)

9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

If eyes have not seen, nor ear heard, it does not mean that it is hidden, it rather means that you do not have the capacity to imagine all of it. No matter how far your imagination can cover, you can never think of all nor half of what God has in store for you, even with all the revelation in the word and through the word.

it shows the extent to which God thinks good of us. we will be shocked in heaven to discover what we would have been, where we would have been, what we would have achieved if we were to maximize our acquisition of the knowledge of the word while being here on earth.

Everything is buried in the manual (the word). Everybody is being referred by God to the manual, for our daily living and destiny at large.

The bible says: Seek ye first the kingdom of God and other things shall be added. And what are those things; materials

When men invest in the creative power of the word as God did, the result is always an explosive fulfillment of destiny.

This is one area that believers are not just doing well in. We pray a lot, yes, prayer is good, but can never take the place of the knowledge you suppose to acquire for your freedom.

Prayer is supposed to instigate you, spur you up or enhance your capacity to acquire knowledge.

Believe me, until the rate you acquire knowledge is far more than the rate you pray, your freedom is never in view. There are people who do not pray as much as you do but has attained their freedom because they spend 80% of their time searching for that revealed knowledge they need to go far in life

Why You Should Go for the Light supports the fact that the light is the spirit, the person, the power, the wisdom and the faith creator.

According to the bible there are many names for wisdom light, revelation, spiritual understanding? All these words refers to, or describes the knowledge you have in the word of God

Colossians 1:9 (King James Version)

col.:9 For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;

it might shock you to see that those letters you see cannot deliver the knowledge of who God is, but the spiritual understanding of those letters.

Colossians 1:10 (King James Version)

col. 1:10 That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;

 it is the spiritual understanding of God’s word that makes you worthy of God unto all pleasing; as you have this spiritual understanding, it makes God happy, it makes you fruitful.

Everyone born of God are children of God, we are all equal as children. God himself gives us the equal platform to build up ourselves, only that some are more dedicated, more committed, more disciplined than others. The spirit of revelation is for everybody.

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