The Power of Revelation

The word of God is the power of God and the wisdom of God. The power of revelation is from the revealed word of God. This is what we called light. Once it is revealed, the word of God becomes light. God is light. Therefore the revealed form of the word of God is God himself

You must have an element of power to be perfect. It means there is grace to do, attached to you by God. You cannot be powerless and stay sickness free. 90% of sickness, physical ailment is demonic. It means they are basically spiritual problems inflicted by demons.

Therefore the power of revelation gives you ability to stop demonic operations around your territory, and you need a level of power and grace to achieve this which only come through your steady reception of light through the revelation of the knowledge of word of God.

As believers, we survive by the power of revelation, we dominate by the power of revelation, We rule through light which is the power of revelation.. Satan will be so scared of you if you are a man given to the spirit of revelation. Satan does not fear the bible, he can quote it, but he can never stand the revealed word.

Therefore the revealed word of God is the source of the power of revelation.

Demons work round the clock to make sure you do things that will not make you progress. It is we that are rather adding too little effort to our daily progress. Demons will manipulate people to make you unhappy, just to distract your attention from the word of God and cause you to do things you shouldn’t do. The application of the power of revelation is the introduction of light that will eradicate that darkness.

It is hard or impossible to make demons fear you without the power of revelation. If you are able to make demons fear you, then you do not have any enemy in life. Hatred is a demonic spirit. People hate you because they are demonically influenced to do so. There is almost no single hatred that is not demonically influenced. God will never inspire you to hate another man. The bible says; you should love your enemies as yourself.

The Entire Earth is Being Run by Spirits, Good or Bad

The earlier you get this fact, understand and operate by it, the better for you. If not, you lose. Spirits determine the condition, the atmosphere, situations. Nothing on earth is determined by what we see. Everything is controlled, manipulated, orchestrated by the unseen. You and I are included among these spirits, demons are there, angels of God are also there, and the word of God is there too. The word of God is a spirit too.

The power of revelation is what give every believer an edge over demonic spirits on earth. This is because we use revelation to build our spiritual muscle. Everybody is working, only those sitting on the fence will suffer the consequences.

How the spirits govern the earth

It will amaze you to discover that the only tool spirits use to control the earth are words. Is this how powerful words are? Yes. The earth was created by words. So the spirits simply speak, and what they speak comes to pass.

The art of spiritual speaking and The Power of Revelation

When it comes to the art of speaking or confession of the word, you must speak out of understanding, you must be an authority. When you speak out of light, you are speaking the power of revelation and what you speak must come to pass because it is backed up by the power of light.

Whoever is speaking must be backed up by an authority before your words are recognized and the spirit with a higher authority will always be in control of the atmosphere. This means if I have more power as a spirit, what I speak will cancel anyone imposed by a lesser power. The power of revelation is an authority that controls the spiritual atmosphere.

Luke 11:21

21 When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace:

22 But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.

Whatever a spiritual authority pronounce may be invoked until a stronger that him superimposed a counter, then the one with a higher authority will stand.

What believers do not still understand is that, WHEN IT COMES to matters on earth, the word of God has the final authority, no other spiritual authority can counter whatever the word of God superimpose on earth because the entire earth was created by the word. This is why the word of God is ordained by God as the only agent of control, change or creation on earth.

Anything you want to create, change, as long as it has to do with the earth, the word of God is the only final authority. You can use the word of God to cancel whatever was instituted by another spirit like demons. This is where the power of revelation becomes imminent.

Colossian 1:12-22

12 Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:

13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:

15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell;

20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

21 And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled

22 In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:

This is a clear confirmation that the power of revelation comes from the word of God. This is the power that raised Jesus from the dearth

Colossians 1:13

13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

The kingdom of his dear son is the kingdom of the word. The word of God is the son of God. In any kingdom there is a king who is the ruler. In the kingdom of the word, the word of God is the king and the ruler.

Therefore we are all in the kingdom of the word. The word of God is the kingdom of God, and the power of the kingdom is the power of revelation, this is our defense.

                 Demons were created by the word

Demons were created by the word of GOD, It means they were actually created by the power of revelation. THAT’S WHY ONLY THE WORD of God can control them and only the word of God can destroy them. The word of God is the only thing demons are afraid of. Demons can only operate in the absence of light, that’s why they represent darkness. The word of God is light, it exposes everything in the dark, including the demons.

Colossians 1:16

16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell;

For by the word of God were all things created that are in heaven and that are in the earth, visible and invisible; whether they be thrones or dominion or principalities or powers, all things were created by the word and for the word

Understanding is light. Spirit of revelation is the spirit of light. When you spend quality time daily in the acquisition of the understanding of the knowledge of God’s word, it eventually turns you to light. This light is the power of revelation. At this point demons will fear you because you have the capacity to even destroy them. My own take is that you rather be here than always going to people to pray for you, that is bondage on its own, because demons will soon meet you in your bedroom, at midnight where your pastor is nowhere to be found.

The Power of Revelation

The word of God must be revealed to you before you can experience the power of revelation. It means there is grace to do attached to you by God. You cannot be powerless and stay sickness free. 90% of sickness, physical ailment is demonic. It means they are basically spiritual problems inflicted by demons.

The power of revelation resides in the light; the revealed word of God. Therefore the power of revelation is mostly your ability to stop demonic operations around your territory and you need the revealed word of God that guarantees the power of revelation. This is the spirit of understanding. The grace to achieve this which only come through your dedication to the acquisition of light of the knowledge of word of God.

Demons work round the clock to make sure you do things that will not make you progress. It is we that are rather adding too little effort to our daily progress. Demons will manipulate people to make you unhappy, just to distract you and cause you to do things you shouldn’t do.

It is rather pathetic that many believers do not want to take up responsibility and be diligent in gaining consistent light of the word by revelation.

If you are able to make demons fear you through the power of revelation, then you do not have any enemy in life. Hatred is a demonic spirit. People hate you because they are demonically influenced to do so. There is almost no single hatred that is not demonically influenced. God will never inspire you to hate another man. The bible says; you should love your enemies as yourself.

Basic functional structure of the spiritual realm

You need to understand how the two kingdoms that control the realm of the spirit function. By the two kingdoms I mean; the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light.

How the kingdom of darkness function

The demons are the elements or objects of operation in the kingdom of darkness. If a man wants Satan to help him prosper, or become a governor, win election, or achieve anything in life. All that Satan does is to attach a demon or some demons to the person to manipulate operations, conditions, atmospheres in favor of the person involved.

The person might be possessed by demons and everything about the person, to his or actions, including speeches will be manipulated by demons in favor of the mission at hand. A lot of people are not aware that they are being resisted in the realm of the spirit, and that’s why they are not where they are supposed to be. If you are working so much and earning so little, there is a limitation place on you not to go far in life. This limitations are placed by demons.

Demons orchestrate things to favor those who patronize them or engage them. People that supposed to buy things at your shop will be diverted to your neighbor’s shop because your neighbor is a patronage to the services of those demons. This is where the power of revelation is very important to every christian.

How to Overcome Demons

The only thing demons are afraid of is the revelation of God’s word. Revelation is light that eradicate demons as darkness with the speed of light. The word of God created demons including the Satan himself, and only the word of God can destroy them. This is the power of revelation. A combination of light which is the understanding of God’s word or revelation with fasting and prayer is very catastrophic to the kingdom of darkness. In the kingdom of light, knowledge is not power, but the revealed knowledge is power.

This is why revelation is so important. Revelation is the foundation of our victory over devils. he light shines in darkness and the darkness can never overcome light. once light is introduced, darkness vanish.

How the kingdom of light function

While demons are the agents of manipulation of things in the kingdom of darkness. Angels of God are rather not the tool that God uses to make things happen for believers or Christians.

What is the plan of God to make sure his people excel? how God plans to take care of his own? That plan was already settled at the entrance of the Holy Spirit into the earth. The salvation plan of God was total, perfect, man was completely delivered. If you are still limited, bound, it is your fault, simply engage the power of revelation. Everything to be completely free, perfect was handed to you as a Christian when you were born again..

It is just a piety that you are still limited, still sick, still being resisted by devils. This means you are not using your manual, you are operating in the earth without manual. The power of revelation is not engaged. No wonder you are still praying and asking God for breakthroughs, for supply, to take away hindrances, no wonder you are still having needs, no, this was not the plan.

The plan was for you to be completely free and perfect means you were not to be limited anymore by demons, you were not to be sick again, you were not to have any need whatsoever again. You were supposed to just wake up and be worshiping God every day, because of his goodness. This is what angels do daily.

I use to think of how angels feel when they see man still struggling, still lagging behind, still being afflicted when total freedom was made available, yet no one is utilizing or making use of it. God assigned his grace to work for man, yet man would prefer his physical power. This is why men die young because their physical power or energy can only go so far. There was ever increasing power without limit made available but men are still being exhausted and quench on the way because the power of revelation is absent.

The plan of God was never for you to lack anything, to be in need of anything. You were to be in charge of the earth. Man is the god of the earth, the ruler, you are the king of the earth as a believer, and you are the owner of the earth.

The reason why Jesus made some statement when he was on earth was because the Holy Spirit had not yet come. Jesus himself asserted this fact. You are not a stranger in the earth, not after the Holy Spirit has come to earth.

I told you Jesus death and resurrection was to pay the price for the freedom of man on earth, note that I said on earth. What Jesus did was for the salvation of man; spirit, soul and body. The salvation of the spirit is immediate, once you are born again. The freedom of the soul is why the Holy Spirit came because it has to be by knowledge of the word which the Holy Spirit is the only teacher.

The word of God is the power of God and the wisdom of God. The only way you can gain that power and wisdom is by the power of revelation.

How to rule the earth by your mindset

There is a great difference between your spirit and your mind. Your spirit is what connects you to God. Your spirit is where your relationship with God is connected. Your spirit is reserved primarily for God. Your spirit does not relate with the earth or the things of the earth. It is your soul that connects you with the earth.

It is true that your flesh fights God through the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life, but it can be tamed, it can be put in subjection whereby the fight is very insignificant through the power of revelation. That is where the bible says you can die to the flesh. The flesh can only fight God through your mind. It means the power of the flesh is in the mind, why? Because of the kind of things the mind had been fed with.

All that the mind knew were all contrary to what God expects or want because it was being fed by the devil. Now look at this; God was always coming to commune with Adam in the Garden of Eden. All that Adam saw, knew was the mind of God before the fall because all he ever heard were all from God before the fall, so Adam could think just like God. Adam never heard nor see anything contrary to what God had. Therefore he had the mindset of God.

Adam had the mindset of God before the fall. It was this mind of God that Adam used to control the earth. It means Adam was thinking exactly the way God would think before the fall. Information forms your thoughts, those information come through what you hear, see, and feel. Your thoughts now determines your convictions which forms your believe, your believe now forms your faith. Your level of faith is what determines how much power you get to rule the earth which is your spiritual authority.

I am not writing fairy tales here, there are people that are operating on this level right now, not necessarily pastors because a lot of people have attributed God to only pastors. They have denied their father and attributed him to a group of people. Pastors are not the only sons that God has. Pastors excel more than members simply because they have engaged the power of revelation consistently over time.

That thing you call anointing robs on you when you stay on the power of revelation consistently over time.

What is Church?

Man has misunderstood God seriously. God created man for himself, and his relationship with man is strictly on individual bases, never group. Christians have seriously gone into error, what has entered the head of many believers is their denomination, most of them are more loyal to the name of the church than God himself.

Many Christians have never prayed for one hour in their bedroom, they can only do that in their bedroom. Is this not hypocrisy? But who are you deceiving? It means you are more faithful to your denomination than God himself. Who are you relating with? Your denomination or God? The good life is for every man on earth, this is how God planned that every man should live on earth.

 You mean you cannot fast and pray on your own until it is announced in church? The earth was created for man. You cannot study your bible for two hours at home until you attend a bible study class in church. You are so faithful to go church all the time, but how many times have you sat down to commune with God in your bedroom. You mean your own relationship with God is only in church? Then you do not understand what is church.

Church is never your congregation, your denomination, church is not your convention, no, and church is you. You are the body of Christ if you are born again? You are the finger, the leg, the elbow of Christ. It is completely an individual thing. Then a collection of all those individuals in one place is what we will have at rapture.

Right now God sees that collection of all those individuals as spirits because what God relates with is our spirit. I do not know where we keep our minds some times. People so much value the building, and that is what they referred to as church. How can a building be church? How can cement and blocks forms the body of Christ. I thought God created man for himself. God made man in his own image, not building.

How can we go back to the Old Testament when it was abolished, the old covenant was destroyed? How can God prefer to stay in a building than your heart? I thought it is your body that is supposed to be the temple of God, so why are you idolizing buildings, denominations, group names. I call it group names because I cannot call that church.

It is wrong to put up a sign post in front of a building and write there church. That is not a church. That can never be the body of Christ. And this has done a lot of damage to the mindset of those who are actually the church. The slogan is everywhere, it depicts the mindset; you hear every Christian including the pastor saying they are going to church. This is to tell you exactly that what they mean is the building.

This is total error, church has denied himself and sell his birthright to cement, blocks, stones. A lot of things have actually gone wrong and nobody has taken it to heart. The foundation of Christianity is knowing who you are in God. It is important that you understand that God would value his presence in you than stones. Jesus never died for any cement, blocks, stones nor building

Depth of faith is arrived at through depth of information. The more information you have on an issue, the more you are convinced, the more you are convince, the deeper the depth of believe, and the higher the level of faith.

Adam had an absolute believe system. Every information that came into Adam’s system came from God, no other source. Therefore Adam had an absolute believe system that had not an iota of contradiction with the mind of God. The absolute believe system is what produces absolute faith without an iota of doubt which eventually generate such a great power that made Adam god on the earth.

Information >> Thoughts >> Believe >> Faith >> Power >> god >> your dominion

This is the plan of God for man, this is the plan of God for his people. This is why the earth was created by God for man, so that man can rule the earth by knowledge. It is the power of revelation that first makes you a god before you can think of dominion. Satan is only trying his best to make sure you do not have access to that knowledge because this is the only way he can rub of your status as god of the earth.

After the fall, God pulled out, Adam was cut off from God. The question is; what was now forming Adams thought after the fall, since God pulled out. Satan had to take over, there can never be any vacant position. There is never any middle man on earth, if God is not occupying your thought through his word, definitely Satan has taken over immediately.

Your Mindset

There is no other way the flesh is fighting God than what your mind has been developed over time to think and believe on. It is your thoughts that actually fight God per say. Your thoughts takes signals from your feelings, and based on the kind of knowledge your mind has been feeding on, it will interpret that feeling based on its knowledge.

Everything done on the earth right now, that is outside of the word of God is being orchestrated and manipulated by Satan and its demons to feed your mind with such things as will eventually work against the God’s ordinance. I believe God will help you to understand.

Immediately after the fall of Adam, Satan took over the government of the earth from Adam, and was the one instituting policies, formations, manipulating everything in the negative on the opposite of what the word of God says. Of course every target of each of this changes was on your mindset, to give man the mindset that would perpetually work against the word of God and eventually the destiny of man.

 There is nothing on earth now; in governments, social cycle, social media, music industry, movie industry, sport organizations, all their agendas, formations, policies are all being orchestrated, manipulated, and influenced by demons to eventually produce a mindset in you that will fight the ordinance of God, nothing more, nothing less.

Satan does not do anything on earth than to set up things that produce certain mindset that work against God. Satan cannot throw any stone on God, no matter how all the demons abuse God, talk against God, it does not mean anything, and it can never reduce God. God would not be aware of such.

The only way Satan fights against God is to make sure your destinies are cut short through your mindset. You are failing because you are operating on the mindset orchestrated by devils for your downfall. Engage the power of revelation now if you want to be free.

Orchestrations, policy formations, events, news, government, setups, and all these setups had been there from the fall of Adam, generations have inherited them and gone and improved versions of those mindsets keep coming up. There is nothing on earth, except it is found in the word of God that is not influenced by Satan to control your mindset.

Immediately after the fall of Adam, Satan was in a rush to put in place certain formations, manipulations, orchestrations that will turn the mindset of man against the ordinance of God which is the word of God. There is nothing Satan will ever tell you to do that will not be in contrary to the word of God.

It is amazing to discover that the only downfall of a man is the way he thinks. My greatest surprise is that I have heard many unbelievers preach this message in the business sector, and many Christians are not even aware.

Instrument of change in the kingdom of light

Everything in the kingdom of light is orchestrated, manipulated, dominated and ruled by the word of God. You can never and will never succeed in the kingdom of light without being a perpetual student, a lover of the word.

I told you how the kingdom of darkness function, that Satan uses demons to orchestrate, manipulate everything. Therefore demons are the agents of manipulation in the kingdom of darkness, they are the soldiers, and they are the front burners. All they need to do is to enter a place, and things will start changing.

Angels are never the agents of manipulation in the kingdom of light, no. a lot of people believe they are. They were, in the old covenant or testament after the fall of Adam, before the Holy Spirit came to earth.

The death and resurrection of Jesus changed the pattern of things just like the fall of Adam completely altered the pattern of things on earth.

In the Old Testament, God was communicating or relating with man through the angels and prophets. Therefore angels and prophets were the agents of manipulation or instruments of change in the Old Testament.

You need to follow things up, before the fall of Adam, the word of God was the only instrument of change in the kingdom light. Before the fall of Adam, Satan was not operating anywhere on earth, he virtually had no kingdom, he was not influencing anything, Satan had no say on anything.

He had no authority over anything, so he was just roaming the earth to and fro. Man was ruling the earth by the word of God there was no bible, the word of God was inbuilt through the breadth from God that gave live to Adam when he was created.

Whatever Adam said on earth was what the earth took. That was how Adam named all the animals.

You need to understand that the earth was created by the word of God, including heaven, even all the angels were created by the word of God. Something in you should also draw that conclusion that Satan himself and all the demons were created by the word of God.

If the earth was created by the word of God, the earth can only be maintained, ruled, dominated by the word of God. It should also come to you that the word of God is the only thing that can destroy the earth.

If Satan and his demons were created by the word of God, then the word of God is the only thing that can destroy, rule, dominate, cage, restrict, bind, and manipulate Satan and his demons.

Therefore the word of God is the only instrument of change in the kingdom of light, nothing else. Angels only act on the word. They are there to enforce what the word command.

Angels are only on earth to make sure that any word of God invoked comes to pass, same thing with the Holy Spirit, but the primary assignment of the Holy Spirit is to teach you the word of God.

the power of revelation
the power of revelation

When you see miracles in the church, crusade ground or anywhere people gather and the word of God is preached; it is because it’s been recorded in the word that anywhere the word is preached there must be that evidence because the word of God is the power of God.

There is something you need to know; the word of God has inherent ability to manifest itself anywhere it is being invoked without the help of an angel. Angels has their peculiar place of relevance.

Someone prayed in the Old Testament and an angel was resisted by a demon in trying to deliver the answer. In the new covenant, God never planned that an answers to prayer should be coming from heaven to earth. This is never the arrangement of the New Testament.

God simply buried every answer to all prayers in the word of God. The answer to your prayer supposed to live in you in form of the light from the word

How to Build the Power of Revelation

In the knowledge of his word, right there, in the knowledge of his word. This is why the Holy Spirit came as the spirit of the word to teach the word.

Satan use demons to enter people, possessed them to manipulate them to achieve certain things while God uses the word of God.

Build Your Spirit Man

Jesus said; man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. You use the power of revelation to build your spirit. This means the word of God is food, not for the flesh but for the spirit. Your senses, your mind, your intellect cannot consume the word of God because it is a spirit, not visible. The word is a spirit food meant only for your spirit consumption. Foods are meant for the growth of those that eat it.

How Often Should You Feed Your Spirit

Man eats 3 times a day in order to get enough for the physical system. Even the 3 times a day is backed up with quality before the body can be well serviced, maintained, replenished, rebuild and gained enough energy to run the daily life routine.

So how many times a day do you think your spirit can eat and to what quality of food. Remember, it is your spirit that sustains your body. Once your spirit gives up your body is dead. Your spirit giving up means it has faint in the day of adversity, and that is because the strength is small. Strength is small because you are not feeding it.

How to Perceive the Hunger in Your Spirit

I do not know why you do not understand, your spirit needs more food than your body. You feel the hunger in your body but you do not feel the hunger in your spirit. This is the confusion right? The hunger from your spirit is always there but it cannot be passed through your feelings. You do not feel hungry in the spirit no. you feel what comes from the flesh, not what comes from the spirit.

It is very simple to know your spirit is not fed and its hungry. When you start to experience disappointment at every turn, when you are oppressed, depressed, sick unnecessarily. When you are down spiritually, everything about you will be down physically. WHEN YOU ARE SICK SPIRITUALLY, YOU WILL BE SICK PHYSICALLY. It is your spiritual condition that determines your physical condition.

If you are a king in the spirit, you automatically becomes a king in the physical. WHEN YOU DOMINATE THE SPIRITUAL REALM, MAN, YOU ARE A WINNER EVERYWHERE IN THE PHYSICAL. THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPIRIT HAN YOUR FLESH. The flesh profits nothing, this is what the bible says.

The spiritual hunger is always staring at you much more than the hunger from the flesh. Those oppression, the disappointment, your failures, your needs, your lack, your inadequacies, your lack of power, no dominion, you are always being over powered by whatever, always intimidated.

What you do not know is that when your spirit is full, it will feed your flesh, believe the word. Your flesh can only be at its best when your spirit has assumed its place of authority through knowledge. If your spirit is weak, your flesh is in danger. The flesh can never sustain the spirit. It is the spirit that sustains the flesh. It means it is the spirit that keeps the flesh alive, yes, even life to the flesh come from the spirit.

the power of revelation
the power of revelation

The food for your spirit is what will make you perfect in life. This is how to be perfect in life. Everything in life build up from the spirit. If your spirit is not satisfied, believe me, nothing in life will make any meaning. Your destiny is in your spirit. God is a spirit, and gave you a destiny. That destiny and all it will ever take for it to be realized is in incorporated in your spirit.

You need to come to terms that your spirit is you. Your flesh is not you. Your flesh fights God, how much more you. How will your flesh love your spirit and fight God when your spirit is from God. I have told you before that the only way Satan can fight God is by fighting you.

Satan does not see God, he does not even know where God is. The day the bible recorded that God warned Satan of job. That meeting was on earth. Therefore Satan can only have access to communicate with God through engagement with man, and that must be on earth.

Outside any engagement on earth, Satan does not even have the bearing on God’s location

I so much give God thanks at this moment that he is helping MAN. THANK YOU JESUS FOR HELPING US. Why did I do that? People always say; God willing, God is our source, God is our life, God will provide, God will give me the grace, God will help us, and very many of such utterances, but there is nothing like all of these actually, believe me, nothing like such utterances.

 They do not exist in God’s dictionary. These things are not God, may be there used to be things like such in the old testament, but believe me not after Jesus died, resurrected and the Holy Spirit has come to earth.

Please, let’s learn fast; everything that was happening in the Old Testament was a pointer to the real thing that will come and the real thing has come. That is why there was a lot of prophets to prophecy wat was going to happen in the future. All the pointing was to one thing; the redemption of man by Jesus, the new covenant.

We are no more hoping for anything again, we are no more waiting on God for anything. If you are still waiting for anything, you will waste because nothing will come again, all things have already come. Let not what happen to the Jews also happy to you. That Jesus was on earth and they did not know because of unbelief.

The people that were hoping, waiting, looking out for the day their deliverer will come were Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joseph, David. All the Old Testament people and the prophets. They were so anxious to know the year, the time that the salvation of man will arrive the earth.

All these people had died and gone without witnessing the time of Jesus. How will they react if they were to visit the earth and discover that we are still frustrated when there is no frustration anywhere, we are still in lack where there is no lack anywhere on earth.

How will you explain, that you do not have wisdom when there is wisdom everywhere on earth. How do you explain? When God says you are rich; but you are poor. How is it that God says; there is no more sickness again, anywhere on earth, but you are still sick? So what is the problem? It sounds like a mystery but it is not a mystery. And no one dares to find out.

God said, there is no more sickness again on earth because Jesus took all away before he left, but you on earth are now complaining that you are sick. Someone must be lying here? Either God or you. So who is not seeing something? Who is not understanding? Who is missing the road? Who needs to retrace steps? It is lack of the spirit of understanding that would make man to still ask God for help on anything whatsoever.

Not just lack of understanding but absolute disobedience.

It was still in the old testament that God said, he was going to do a new thing, that a time will come that people will know him from their spirit, not from what is written on stones.

And this is my own prophecy; that in a very short time, you will see men and women that has never been to church before caught the spirit of understanding and begin to catch such revelation and write things that even many church pastors would not fathom.

the power of revelation
the power of revelation

We are no more in the Old Testament, there is a new covenant and the plan that God had to redeem man thousands of years ago has come to pass, we are in it already but unfortunately some of us are not aware. Many believers are still waiting for rapture before they can be free. You hear a lot of people sing that from songs; when they will finally be free.

How a man can be perfect

Can a man be perfect? Yes. Is the word of God perfect? Yes. Is God perfect? Yes. And God made man in his own image. Man is a spirit just like God. Only that he lives in the flesh

Instrument of perfection

Jesus said; man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. This means the word of God is food, not for the flesh but for the spirit. Your senses, your mind, your intellect cannot consume the word of God because it is a spirit, not visible. The word is a spirit food meant only for your spirit consumption. Foods are meant for the growth of those that eat it.

Man eats 3 times a day in order to get enough for the physical system. Even the 3 times a day is backed up with quality before the body can be well serviced, maintained, replenished, rebuild and gained enough energy to run the daily life routine.

So how many times a day do you think your spirit can eat and to what quality of food. Remember, it is your spirit that sustains your body. Once your spirit gives up your body is dead. Your spirit giving up means it has faint in the day of adversity, and that is because the strength is small. Strength is small because you are not feeding it.

I do not know why you do not understand, your spirit needs more food than your body. You feel the hunger in your body but you do not feel the hunger in your spirit. This is the confusion right. The hunger from your spirit is always there but it cannot be passed through your feelings. You do not feel hungry in the spirit no. you feel what comes from the flesh, not what comes from the spirit.

The spiritual hunger is always staring at you much more than the hunger from the flesh. Those oppression, the disappointment, your failures, your needs, your lack, your inadequacies, your lack of power, no dominion, you are always being over powered by whatever, always intimidated.

What you do not know is that when your spirit is full, it will feed your flesh, believe the word. Your flesh can only be at its best when your spirit has assumed its place of authority through knowledge. If your spirit is weak, your flesh is in danger. The flesh can never sustain the spirit. It is the spirit that sustains the flesh. It means it is the spirit that keeps the flesh alive, yes, even life to the flesh come from the spirit.

For you to know how to win invisible battles, you must have the power of revelation.

I so much give God thanks at this moment that he is helping MAN. THANK YOU JESUS FOR HELPING US. Why did I do that? People always say; God willing, God is our source, God is our life, God will provide, God will give me the grace, God will help us, and very many of such utterances, but there is nothing like all of these actually, believe me, nothing like such utterances.

 They do not exist in God’s dictionary. These things are not God, may be there used to be things like such in the old testament, but believe me not after Jesus has died, resurrected and the holy spirit has come to earth.

the power of revelation
the power of revelation

Please, let’s learn fast; everything that was happening in the Old Testament was a pointer to the real thing that will come. That is why there was a lot of prophets to prophecy what was going to happen in the future. All the pointing was to one thing; the redemption of man by Jesus, the new covenant.

Man has been redeemed, man is now free, and every promise has been fulfilled. These are the days that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David were all crying for to witness. That freedom is finally here. What is rather happening to man right now is what happened to the Jews and Israelite when JESUS arrived the earth. They bluntly refused to believe that was the messiah, they rejected the very promise of God to them.

The promise land God took the Israelite to was a typology of what was to come. The real promise land is now here, yet even the believers cannot believe their freedom. How can demons still oppress us. This is an evident that we do not believe that we have been freed. This is absolutely lack of understanding. You need to learn how to receive the spirit of revelation and understanding.

You mean a demon can still have the guts to operate around where you are? After Jesus died? Resurrected? And the Holy Spirit has come to earth? The spirit of revelation is here? The spirit of understanding is here? The spirit of knowledge is all over the earth?

It simply mean man does not understand the moment, man does not understand times and seasons. Man has been restored back to the Garden of Eden. No demon is supposed to come near where you are, they should run for their life at the sight of your presence. Demons supposed to fear you because of what you now carry as a result of the redemption package delivered by Jesus.

After redemption, every demon is under your feet, you are place far above them in spiritual hierarchy, and you are now sited with God in Christ far above all principalities and powers. Your problem is that you are rather ignorant of who you are because you ignore the word of God after you are born again. You have refused to renew your mind, to gain the knowledge you need.

You rejected knowledge, and you rejected the Holy Spirit that was supposed to teach you, you rejected the spirit of understanding. You rejected your life because the word of God is your life. You need to return back to God by returning back to the word of God, you need to return to knowledge. Take a fast and pray that God should give you the spirit of revelation and understanding.

The power of revelation unveils the amazing benefits of spiritual understanding.

Sit on the word of God for at least 5 hours every day for the rest of your life, then watch out and see the difference between your life now and your life before. You need to spend quality time with your life which is the word of God. You are a god, but we must see it. Pray for the spirit of revelation if you don’t have. Stay on the word of God till it brings out the god in you to rule the earth. This is the only way you can create your own Garden of Eden.

The word of God is God, the word of God is your life. The level to which you are committed to the word of God defines the level of your freedom, dominion and authority on earth. I believe the power of revelation is meant to add to this impact on your freedom.

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