How to be Holy

Many Christians don’t believe a man can be holy. According to the bible God has commander us to be holy because he too is holy. If your father is holy, you must be holy too. You cannot walk with God if you are not holy, therefore you need to learn how to be holy. The fact is that many people do not understand what is holiness

What is Holiness

Holiness means to be dedicated and consecrated to God. To be sacred, to be set apart for God God created man for himself. We must fulfill our purpose of creation by being holy. We must be consecrated and set apart for God as we were meant to be, nothing more and nothing less. The only question now is how to be holy.

How to Be Holy

We need to understand that salvation is a platform that God has used to make everything available and free for those who have accepted Christ as their Lord and savior by being born again. All you are required to do is to accept Jesus into your heart. Be willing to submit and God will take over from there.

“if ye be willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land”

The bible has recorded that it’s God that gives us power to become the sons of God. You can never be holy by your power. Holiness is a spiritual attribute of God. God is a spirit, therefore all of his attributes are Spiritual. It’s only perculiar to the spirit.

It’s your spirit that will be made holy, it’s your spirit that is riteous. All of God’s business is with your spirit, but whatever your spirit has achieved will automatically influence your body. It’s only when your spirit is weak that your flesh has power to express itself.

if you are feeding your spirit on a daily basis, your flesh would have no power to express or influence your system.

One of the meaning of holiness as expressed above is dedication to God. This means you must be dedicated in doing certain routine work to keep you holy, and that work is simply feeding your spirit always. The spirit eats to grow and be strong.

The food for the spirit is the word of God. The word of God is God. As you are spending time with the word of God, you are spending time with God. As you spend time with the word, you are looking up to God and you will be lightened because God is light. This is how we receive power to be holy, this is how to be holy.

When you encounter light; spiritual understanding, that is God talking to you, and there is no other way you can understand what God is saying to you than discovering his thought pattern about a subject which is in the word of God.

Holiness And Revelation

it is important to note that the word of God must be revealed to you. This is why the Holy Spirit came. The Holy Spirit is the only teacher. For this reason you must do everything to make sure the Holy Spirit is your number one direct teacher apart from your pastor.

How to be holy
How to be holy

Your pastor will never be able to do enough for your spirit to grow at the pace God wants, for the fulfilment of your destiny.

You need an intensive private study arrangement for your spiritual growth, immediately after you are born again.

Psalm 119

Psalm 119 will teach you a lot about the word of God and holiness.

Revelation is not just a means of communication between God and man; it is also a means that God uses to perfect man.

How To Be Holy As God is Holy

Leviticus 11:44 For I am the LORD your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy: neither shall ye defile yourselves with any manner of creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Leviticus 11:44 For I am the LORD your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy: neither shall ye defile yourselves with any manner of creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Revelation is the method God uses to process man in transforming man to be just like God. If you stay on the word long enough, you will become just like God. This is how to live and excel after salvation

John 10:35

If he called them godsunto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

Hence God uses revelation to process man’s perfection. Perfect stage is the highest level of holiness. As you stay on the word, your image is gradually changing and conforming to the image of Christ.

  It works more than any other method God will use to talk to you. It is more powerful, more direct, more result oriented, more effective, unlimited.

If you are not consistent in the study of the word, you can easily be deceived by a false spirit.

God can use the spirit of revelation to talk to you from morning till night – but voicing through your spirit can be once in a while. Even when you hear the voice, you will still need the understanding of the word of God in the bible to get the full meaning of what the voice said.

If God tells you anything by voicing through your spirit, you have to go on research and meditation on that thing to get the light or understanding of it, before it will manifest itself in the physical.


Has GOD ever told you something and it is taking too long to manifest? You are lacking behind in the knowledge and understanding of those things you heard.

You, not having the knowledge and understanding of what you were told is the just as not having the faith for it. No faith, no tangibility.

Developing faith for what God has told you comes from the understanding of the subject through the light of the scriptures.

If you do not have faith for what God has told you, that thing cannot manifest.

Jesus took miracles, enough power to thousands of people, but none were healed. The bible said they did not mixed faith with it.

This is exactly the same thing as saying they did not have the knowledge and understanding of what was that. No knowledge and understanding, no believe, no believe, no faith, no faith, no miracle.


The earlier you come to terms with this, the better for you.

The teachings on faith has been very prominent in the body of Christ for a few decades now. Upon that very few people had the faith.


We were not told exactly what faith is. The emphasis was on having faith, believing, hoping, you must come to church, and you must attain bible study every day.

Some said faith without work is death, and the work is to be in choir, sweep the church, give, sing, clap, attain prayer meetings every day, fast.

Faith is never any of these activities. Faith is the knowledge and understanding of that word of GOD which you have refused to sit on, to stay on, to meditate on, for hours on a daily bases.

Faith is sitting on the revealed word for hours on a daily basis. Being a chior member, an usher, a worker, a deacon or deaconess in church does not give anyone faith.

Faith only comes through aquisition of the revealed word of God.

This is the only way you seek God, the only way you know God, the only way you gain access to perfection. This is how to be holy. You will never access your inheritance if not by this way.

How To Be Holy According To The Bible

THE WORD OF GOD IS YOUR LIFE; please get this, understand this, chew this, eat this, live this, and know only this one thing that THE WORD OF GOD IS YOUR LIFE.

So how long do you want to invest in your life each day? decide on it; and you will get back the quality of life you live on earth.

How much time do you think you can spend with God each day? This equally determines how much of God can be reflected in your life.

You should know there’s no sentiment with God. Everything follows already laid down rules by the word of God. This is what determines how to be holy.

This does not have anything to do with being born again nor going to heaven; it simply determines the quality of life you live on earth, though it can help you never to backslide and make heaven.

As a believer, If you do not live on the realm of the knowledge and Iunderstanding of the word of God or absolute faith, you will still make heaven if you do not backslide.

How to be holy

But you will not be able to optimize the reason why you were on earth. This means your destiny will not be fulfilled. It also means that you will not be able to access your inheritance, if you scratch it, never all. Doing everything according to the word of God defines how to be holy.

This is why some Christians are not living above average, and Satan will kill some before their time, some are sick, poor,



The word of God is the power and the wisdom of God. If you are not rich in the word, you are not rich in power, you are not rich in wisdom, believe me you are nowhere on earth. You are a spectator.

How To Be Holy Like Jesus

Seeking GOD, loving GOD or the kingdom of GOD with all your heart,, mind and soul does not have anything to do with going to church, being in choir, attending prayer meeting, sweeping the church, fasting. If you are truly on a mission to find God, then the knowledge of the word of God through the spirit of revelation is the answer.

You have to also understand that it is one thing to be born again; it is completely a different thing to know GOD.

You have to also understand that it is one thing to be born again; it is completely a different thing to know GOD.

You can never know GOD by fasting, even if you fast for one million years.

Please do not get me wrong, I fast, I never said fasting is bad, neither all those church activities I have mention.

I am rather trying to make you pursue what is your life at a faster rate than you do all other activities. If it means you keeping them aside first and getting what is you first, why not?

The deception by many is that God bless them through those activities, no. It is the depth of revelation or understanding in the knowledge of God’s word concerning those activities that brings the blessing.

We are rewarded by the response to faith that we have built. Hence the activities supposed to come as a response to faith we have build. These activities in this regard is referred to as “works of faith”

The Works Of Faith

When you act or respond accordingly based on what you are convicted for in the word of God, you are demonstrating faith with works.

If you give because you are convinced of that in the bible, you are acting in obedience to the word of God. You were convinced because you believed the word. You acted based on that believe. This is faith with work, and it’s being followed with reward.

If I decide to give or join the church choir, ushering unit because I love God. This is an act of faith. An act of faith is simply an act of obedience to God’s word. Anything you do with the conciousness that you are doing it in obedience to the word of God will definitely be rewarded.

Another example; through indepth studies in the bible l can discover that giving to my pastor, my parents and the poor can give me tremendous financial blessings, then I start to practice that. What I am doing is called faith in action. It doesn’t fail to yield result. This is still how to be holy because you are trying to live like God.

An Act of Faith Is Holiness

It is holiness because you are trying to live like God. Living your life by the dictates of the word of God.

If you are in the choir, and you are still jealous, you backbite, quarrel, hate, sill speaking negative, you can never be blessed in what you are doing, you are just wasting time.

Meanwhile those negative attributes are peculiar to those who are not consistent in acquiring revelation knowledge through bible studies.

The love of God is a spiritual thing and can only be developed through consistent acquisition of the knowledge and understanding of the word of God.

If you render any service to God outside of his love, the service is fruitless. Therefore why not leave everything, stay on the word, build the foundation first.

I have watched many Christians, they are very fervent in those activities, but they know not God.

It is more important to pay attention to the word of God first, if not, you are giving sacrifice of fools. That is exactly what Martha did to JESUS and Jesus had to warn her.

Matha was being emotional but God does not have sentiment. God is an ardent follower of principles, and will never consider or bend by the tears in your eyes. Miracles do not happen because people cry, rather it’s because God saw their faith and responded to that faith. You will never believe because you have joined the choir, you should join the choir because you believe. That believe might have popped because you discovered in the bible that you can sing to God.

Martha was cooking for Jesus to eat, while Mary was sitting at Jesus feet eating the word of life. Exactly the scene that many Christians create between their life and activities.


This is how to build a strong spirit. Sleep in church from morning till night, it will never build your faith. If your faith is not build, your spirit is not growing. The more faith you build through the understanding of God’s word, the more you are holy. This is how to be holy.

You need to understand that you can never really know God that much, nor gain much faith on a Sunday morning preaching than you would when you spend an hour in your bedroom studying the bible with the spirit of revelation on a daily basis. Do not get me wrong, we have to gather together, at least. But do not think you can use just that to build your spirit. Walking with God is personal.

Please I did not say you should stay away from church to do your personal bible study. Church is only once or twice a week. Even if you were to attend church services daily, it will be for few hours a day.

Gathering in church is meant to help us to understand what you are learning now. The pastor was meant to give us the direction on how to find God, how to know God, how to have God. The pastor is to direct you to where and how to get faith. What the pastor preaches on the altar is not enough to give you that faith you need. You have to take your relationship with God very personal, God values it like that.

The most important place to meet with God and gain that faith is in your bedroom. You cannot really have much light while in the crowd, there will be distraction.

The Holy Spirit delivering the light is not friendly with distraction. You need your privacy to go far with God. God wants to work with you on personal bases not as a crowd.

How to be holy
How to be holy

You need a quiet environment for insight, for light, for revelation. I believe we are not being fair as Christians, look at the time you devote for your studies at a very quiet place. Have you ever taken your bible to the library and spend 6 hours with it? This is how to be holy.

You cannot really appropriate everything God says to the crowd to yourself on a Sunday morning.


What I have just said above will spring an argument, but that is the truth. There are many Christians on the street that does not even know the God they are following. They only know there is a God somewhere, they do not even know where.

They lack the power, the wisdom, the grace, because all they know is Sunday service, and they are so fanatical about that. They will try their best to do everything right on Sundays. Man, that day has become an idol for many people.

The church is supposed to encourage you to build a better altar at home; the real church is what you have in your house or in your private.

There would not be anything like church of you were not born again. The born again process was just between you and God. It was at this spot that your relationship with God was initiated. How will God now build this relationship as a group.

Even the message from church services can only have impact on you if you go back to meditate on it afterwards.

What we always forget is that we individuals are the church.

The church is the body of Christ, we as individuals form the body of Christ. It will be funny to think that God will prefer to live in the building than our body. The entire earth is God’s footstool, how will he live in a building

The bible says our body is the temple, not the building. God can never live in a building, he will forever prefer our body. God never made the building, human’s deed, but God created man for himself.

Why there will be regrets in heaven

Yes, definitely there will be regrets because we will all know and see what we would have become if we had done better. What we would have achieved if we were more serious. Things we neglected that eventually became our downfall.

How To Be Holy And Righteouse

Holiness and righteousness works hand in hand. It’s the righteousness of God in Christ that makes us holy.

I am not saying God will not use the sand, water, or oil, but It is an error for us to pick up sand in church building, pour the sand in water and drink to get healed.

This means more God in the sand than in your body, very disappointing. I am not saying, this is not possible, I am saying this is very disappointing. If you were God, how would you feel?

God never said the sand, water or oil will be his temple. God only uses those things because men has disappointed him, by refusing to make themselves available. If you had done all you needed to do, what businesses would God had with sand, water, not oil.

it’s very embarrassing that God would prefer to deposit his presence, his power inside water, oil, sand, than in you. Are you telling me that sand, water, oil has now become the temple of God. So God now prefer to dwell in them than you.

It is laziness, lack of knowledge that create these errors. You are not making effort to do what you need to do to be who you supposed to be. How long will you continue to be babies, when will you grow?

Some people will discover God had destined for them to be the president of their country, but they were pushing truck, packing cement, even as believers. I am not referencing unbelievers here.

If you were to be a World Bank president, but you were a director in ministry of agriculture, it will still pain you because the difference is clear and much.

What most of us think is success is rather deceit?

Jesus did not die for the building. The death of Jesus was not to save, sanctify the building. It was for our being, spirit, soul and body.

Most of us think the building is the house of God. God forbid that his house should be a building constructed with cement and blocks.

The body of Christ is the building, and it is not made with blocks or cement or wood. God does not live in a house made with blocks. Forget what happened in the Old Testament.

Why do you think God would prefer to deposit his power inside sand, hankies, water that you deem to be holy. And you boldly call it holy water. This is because a you have refused to build your spirit, and sanctify yourself as the temple.

It means you are not qualified for God to deposit his power. Water, hankies, and sand are more qualified for his power, his presence, than you. This is a shameful thing. Hankies, sand, water, were not created in God’s image. Are they the gods now?

In the Old Testament, Jesus did not come yet. Man had fallen then, and every means to reach out to God were blocked, man was dead, condemned to die, completely separated from God.

The only way God himself could reach out to man was to establish what we saw in the Old Testament which was a temporary measure till Jesus arrive.

But all those things does not count anymore, it was totally abolished immediately after the death and resurrection of Jesus. If those things were anything to go by, Jesus would not have come.

But for the failure of Adam, what would God be looking for in a building, a non-living thing to deposit his power?


Importance of revelation

Because at this moment, God himself is only concentrating only on you and your needs. I told you, the moment of revelation is the moment of communication between you and God. Meaning, something is moving from God to you and whatever is not of God in you id detaching.

That is why it is a moment of cleansing, impartation, building of your spirit. God is light, light from God would be entering you and driving away every darkness. You will become holy, the power of God will be deposited in you. God is life, life will be transferred to you. This is how to build a strong spirit

You can never achieve all this in church services, it is impossible. How much of revelation can you receive during church service? It is not about you, but the Holy Spirit teaching you hates distraction. You will not be able to concentrate because of the crowd. All we are discussing is how to be holy

This is a very vital fundamental point in Christianity. If only you can understand this, you are gone with GOD. Very unfortunate, many were told the other way round.

How To Build Faith

All we hear in church more often is that you have to be in church always for your faith to grow, but our faith never grew, because church activities can never make your faith grow.

Faith does not come from church activities. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word. The hearing is not hearing from your pastor. Your pastor is not the teacher, the Holy Spirit is the teacher.

Yes, The Holy Spirit is supposed to lead your pastor to teach, meaning, the Holy Spirit can teach through your pastor’s mouth, but to what extent are pastors yielding to that. To what extent is their submission, that the Holy Spirit can take over their system and do the teaching?

How to be holy
How to be holy

Pastors prepare messages from home, they pencil it on paper. It is even possible that God gave them he message and the understanding of the message, then they write it down and prepare to teach, trying their best to deliver what God gave them.

There is nothing else can ever make you grow spiritually than the knowledge and understanding of the word of God. If you understand the importance of your spiritual growth, then you will take it up upon yourself to make sure you build your spirit.

You need the understanding of the word to build your faith, and very little will the one preached in church accomplish that.

When you stay with God at home to study the bible and gain knowledge of God through his word, you gain more concentration to access the required light for optimum growth.

God deals with us individually, and it is very optimal that way because you collect all you need to collect that has to do with you and your destiny without any mix up.

When we are in church, we are all listening to one man, the pastor, depending on him to collect information from God concerning all of us and distribute to everyone according to their need.

Distributing that information to everyone according to their need is never possible. I rather think God would never want to do that there. Everyone in church never get their needs met every Sunday.

We just all get encouraged, shown how to do that at home. Pastor is to encourage and show us or teach us how to meet God at home.

Every time I am in church, the pastor will preach fantastic message, my faith will rise, pump up to 90%, in fact I can raise the dead at that moment, but once church has close and I got back home, the faith returns back to where it was before church.

Let us be frank; pastors build their faith to the level of doing miracles, they can heal the sick, most of them cannot even be sick by their faith, which church do they always attend to get to that level?

They do not go to church on Sundays, they are the one always preaching in their church, so how do they build their faith.

Your pastor sits in his bedroom from morning till night, studying his bible. That is where and how he meets God, hears God, develops his faith, grew his spirit, matures as a believer and become a son ready for his inheritance.

You are deceived if you think it is your offering that makes him rich. He has encountered enough light that explodes his finance on that area in his bedroom.

Until you are able to encounter God one on one in your privacy, you are very far from being a son. Sons meet their father in the bedroom, never only in public places.

You do not do family talk in the public. The four walls of the building that you refer to as church is a public place, even Satan can also go there.

Church is Not a Building

And you need to be corrected; church is never that building you visit every Sunday. Church which the bible refers to as the body of Christ is not a building.

A building is not a body; a body is a person, if you are born again. That means church is you.

The bible says; do not forsake the gathering together…..

This was an instruction that from time to time the church which is you (individual) should gather together.

Jesus said; I will build my church……, which is a buildup of everyone born of God all over the world, not a congregation or denomination.

Habakkuk 2:4

Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.

Not the faith of the crowd or gathering together. Still on the journey to show you How to Attain Perfection as a Believer

Walking with God is personal

Walking with God is completely individualistic, journey with God is never in group. It is they that know their God. If I know and you do not know, what you do not know can never affect me.

Your sin can never take me to hell, neither will what I do with my life take you to heaven. Every man answers for himself.

How to be holy
How to be holy

It will be funny if the only way God will talk to individual will have to be in the gathering, how will I know when he is referring to me? Two people may be having a slightly different situation.

I still wonder where you went to, that you call it church.

You are the church and your body is the temple. So you worship God in your body, forget about any location or building.

Once you are born again, Jesus is the head, you are the body, the church.

What happens in Church on Sundays?

God says; do not forsake assembling yourselves together from time to time. We have to do the word and obey God, so when we gather, different bodies come together to worship God in their temples which is their bodies.

God does not live in building, God lives in us. We worship the God in us, not in buildings. God does not have location on earth; the location of God is in us.

If you have ever gone to a location to worship God, you have never worshiped God, but location or building.

Jesus did not die for a building or location neither was his blood shed to sanctify a building.

Stop worshipping idols as building or location. God is a spirit and live only in human hearts, never building. God is in you, never building.

We have to get it correct, going to church is good, and it encourages us to build our faith. The pastor steers us up and help us have hope, help us to understand the word of God by explaining it to our understanding.

But emphasis were never made, that the primary place of worshipping God and building faith is in our bedroom. There should be more power at home than in church, for you, not general now.

The only difference is that by the time we now come together, may be on a Sunday, and we corporately bind a demon, such a demon should be extinct.

Because we are now joining our faith together to achieve a common goal. BUT ONE FAITH THAT IS BUILD BY KNOWLEDGE IS MORE FORCEFULL THAN ONE THOUSAND FAITH THAT IS NOT DEVELOPED.

Jesus said;

A time will come that ye would worship God neither in this place nor in Jerusalem.

The bible says;

They that worship God must worship God in spirit and in truth, and the spirit is you, the truth is the word of God.

Man Is A Spirit

How to Attain Perfection as a Believer is never such a mind bugling subject as some assume because it’s never by power nor might, but by the spirit of God. You are a spirit and live in a body which is the temple of God.

It simply means you have to be conscious of who you are as a spirit and develop yourself to be spiritual always, so that you and God can flow at the same frequency consistently.

How to be holy
How to be holy

Your actions also prove how much you love God. If you love him enough, you will never want to be distracted by anything whenever you are praying, worshipping or simply communicating with him.

I lock my door, silence or put off my phone whenever I am communicating with God. Even humans always look out for that respect.

If you want any level of success in your relationship with the Holy Spirit, then you must know how to respect privacy.

You live in your house, you do not live in that building you call church, and you spend more time in your house than church. Church is mostly just one hour meeting. I don’t know how it is possible to build any successful relationship with God in church than in your house.

So many people could not visit the building they called church during the covid 19 pandemic, so what did they do? Christianity was suspended for a while?

Maybe many also suspended their relationship with God till covid 19 could be controlled. What of if it could not be controlled.

People refer to building as a place of worship. They cannot miss Sunday service because they must worship, once they enter the building they wear a different mood. You know what? They are worshipping the building.

Many cannot fight, quarrel on Sundays, Sunday is a sacred day, they are worshipping Sunday.

Their bodies can be so messed up, but the building must be sacred. The building has replaced their bodies as the temple of God. This is idol worship.

Please do not forget our sub topic is simply that;

 The true acquisition of the knowledge and understanding of who God is, which equals your faith, is achieved in your privacy, never in any gathering, as you may like to refer to as church.

Never forsake the assembling of yourselves together, if you assemble every Sunday, please go, and join, but that assembly is not church.

The church of Jesus which is the body of Christ is not a congregation, not a denomination, neither a building; rather it is everyone born of God all over the world.

It is a body of all believers worldwide. Only God can know or sees this body because only he knows those that are born again and those that are not. You cannot tell if everyone in church is born again.

You can’t know those that are born of God and those that are not because you cannot read their hearts. It is more of a spiritual building, never physical.

More of spiritual building because it is referring to us as spirit beings, not our flesh.

Aids To Spiritual Understanding

(a) Knowledge of scriptures

The level to which you expose yourself to the word of God equals the level to which you understand scriptures.

Scriptures are interrelated, knowing many of them help relate one to another for easier understanding. So knowing many scriptures aids spiritual understanding.

 (b) The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit Orchestrate our relationship with God now.

The Holy Spirit is the spirit of the word; this means he is the interpreter. Without the Holy Spirit you will never understand the scriptures. The arrival of the holy spirit was the arrival of faith.

If you truly want to understand how to be holy, then you need a strong relationship with the Holy Spirit.

There is different between believing in God and having faith. Faith is build up, it accumulates and grows with increase in knowledge. Believe is a norm, a principle formed due to accumulation of knowledge. At this point of believe, no one can influence nor change it.

It means you have been convinced over time and has come to settle with it, you have agreed totally to it, you have been wined over. you have completely accepted and agreed to the idea.

Without the Holy Spirit, no one will have an understanding of the word because the holy spirit is the ONLY TEACHER, no one else can interpret the scriptures. And without the interpretation of scriptures, no believer can take complete dominion on earth

Believe is stronger than faith, believe is the smallest particle of faith. As more particles accumulate, it forms a level of faith.

The Holy Spirit As The Spirit Of Revelation

No one else can explain the scriptures apart from the Holy Spirit.

JESUS said;

The words that I speak to you they are spirit and they are life.

That spirit that Jesus referred to is the Holy Spirit. This means the Holy Spirit is the spirit of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is also the Spirit of the word of God.

The Holy Spirit is a person, meaning he has feelings, communicates, very friendly, and truly a helper. Many believers do not know nor understand the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the third person in the trinity. Jesus had gone to be with father after resurrection, but he left his spirit which is the Holy Spirit with us.

Understand this; Jesus said;

It is expedient that I go away, this means he had gone away.

JESUS said;

If I do not go, the comforter will not come.

This means the God that is here with us now is not the Father, not Jesus, but the Holy Spirit.

This simply means your relationship with the Holy Spirit is very vital and should never be ignored.


Whatever you suppose to do in the spirit, you are doing it in the Holy Spirit. He handles every spiritual processes the body of Christ. He is the one that supposed to pray for you according to the scriptures.

He is the one that will guide you in worship. He is the sole controller general of everything that happens in the spirit realm for the Body Of Christ.


Lack of sound relationship with the Holy Spirit is the root cause of the failure of many Christians

What does all these mean?

How to walk in the spirit

(c) You have to be spiritual

You just have to be spiritual to understand the scriptures. It means to be in the spirit. What you are trying to understand is completely spiritual, you can only use spiritual mind and eyes to uncover it.

 A canal man does not understand the things of the spirit, because they are spiritually discerned.

If you know what it takes or mean to be spiritual, then you are on the right path.

So the Holy Spirit is the teacher of the word and you need a very good relationship with HIM to succeed, not only in understanding the word, but in life generally.

There was the dispensation of the Father relating to man directly, in the Old Testament. Jesus was not around then. That was the time of Abraham, Moses, Isaac, Jacob, and so on. The Holy Spirit was not officially on earth yet and Jesus was not there.

Immediately Jesus arrived on earth, God the father withdrew, and man could only relate directly with Jesus.

Even from then till now and the end of the world, anything you want to get from God the father must come to you through Jesus.

God does not break ranks. When Jesus left, He said I am going to the father. That means I am leaving the earth to where the father is, but there is another person replacing me, which is the Holy Spirit.

If you want to relate with God now, after Jesus had left, you must pass through the Holy Spirit.

There is nothing you will do successfully with God now without a strong relationship with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is here on earth primarily for man. He came just for man, and nothing else. He did not come for animals, the planet, neither did he come to help God realize his dreams.

Jesus came just for man and when he left, the Holy Spirit took over to complete what Jesus was here for. The Holy Spirit cannot have relationship with any other than man.

How do you think the Holy Spirit will feel, if after arriving the earth which is your house, nobody wants to neither receive him nor have relationship with him?

 Therefore the Holy Spirit is here only for man, just for man. He is the spirit of Christ, hence the spirit of the word. He is here to help, lead, and guide us into success both with God and on earth.

The Holy Spirit is the one that will give spiritual understanding of the word.

(a) The Knowledge of The Word of God

The more you aquire the knowledge of the word of God, the more your spirit grows, your spirit becomes more sensitive to God and your faith in God grows. This is how you become more spiritual. This is how to be holy

Look, it satisfies; this is why Jesus wasn’t eating much of physical food; the disciples observed and ask, and he told them he has food that he is eating and that is, doing the will of the father.

 The will of God is the word of God, what Jesus was actually saying was his meat was doing the word the light or doing the spiritual understanding of God’s word. The word of God is light. This tells you that when you receive light, you are receiving God’s will.

Every Light You Receive is Grace

Everytime you encounter light from the revealed knowledge of the word of God, the grace of God, favor, the power of God, and all of who God is, is transferred directly to your spirit.

 This is how we receive the power to become the sons of God. This is where we receive the grace to live like God.

 Every light you receive comes with grace, I call this grace a level of authority or dominion in that area.

If you were researching, meditating, studying consistently, intensely in the area of health, you would be accumulating grace in the area of health.

 hence an indepth accumulation or extensive accumulation of grace in that area surrenders to you a complete authority, rulership or total dominion in that area.

I am sure that you will now discover that you have lot of work to do as a Christian, yes there is no place for a lazy man on earth, same in the kingdom of God. You have to do a lot of research, study your bible, meditate regularly because you have to build your spirit, grow your grace, receive the power for your dominion and authority on earth.

 But it’s easier than you think, you are not going to do this by your power believe me – God works for you, through you, only make up your mind and yield your entire system to God to take control. The Holy Spirit is the one that leads, guide, direct and empower you to do anything as a believer.

This is the only way you can take complete dominion on earth as a believer.

 That’s why at the end of it all, everything is free. One thing I discovered about God is that, just prove to him that you are willing to do this, believe me, he takes over the job, and you one surprise at end how it’s done.

 But it’s you that was used to get it done – the grace of God is the supernatural power, ability that get things done without stress. This is How to be holy.

Advantages of being Holy

There are many things to gain when you decide to live holy.

(1) Fulfilled Destiny

Holiness is living like God by streamlining your lifestyle according to the dictates of the word of God. When you live in accordance with the word of God, you are living the life of God. When you live the life of God, you will have same results just like God.

We fail because we are short of how we suppose to go about things.

(2) Access To The Supernatural

The supernatural is the realm of dominion. You cannot win as a natural being because every decision is taken in the supernatural. This is the realm of kings on earth.

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