The Believer Can Take Complete Dominion on Earth

The Believer Can Take Complete Dominion on Earth talks about the dominion of believers on earth not after rapture.

God made the earth for man to rule and have dominion, but this right was taken away by sin. After the fall, the spirit of man got disconnected from God.

The salvation Jesus brought connected back the spirit of man with God or you can say the spirit was made alive again.

The question is;

After you are born again, did you have the dominion back? No

If you say yes, you lie because you cannot bring any prove.

The only way this dominion can be back to man is by the word, in the word, through the word, you just have to marry the word.

The only way me and you can get back that dominion is by knowledge.

So God’s plan is for us to sit on knowledge and use that to take back our dominion after we are saved.

How The Believer Can Take Back Complete Dominion on Earth

Genesis 1 – The Believer Can Take Complete Dominion on Earth

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Facts to note in the trinity;

  • God loves and honors his word more than his name
  • God prefers to be identified with The Word than the name God
  • The only thing God has and call that thing his son is the word of God.
  • The second person in the trinity is the word of God
  • The third person in the trinity is the spirit of the word
  • The word of God orchestrated your salvation by turning himself to become Jesus to save you.
  • The word of God says if you have seen me, do not look for God again.
  • If you have seen me, you have seen God
  • The word says I and God, we are one

By all these facts, to you, who is God?

 The word of God is God.

The law of spiritual principles states that;


Let’s head to where we are going.

When you are born again, do you have the word? No.

If Jesus is the word, God Himself is the word, and the Holy Spirit is the spirit of the word.

It means;

It is a great deception, to think that, you can have God, or you can have Jesus without having the word.

If Jesus is the word, it is impossible to have Jesus where the word is not there.

With all these facts available, it is impossible to command God’s attention where the word is not there.

God is not moved by any other thing than his word and this is The Believer Can Take Complete Dominion on Earth, only by how much of the word he knows.

The only explanation to this, is that everyone born of God has a portion of faith to kick-start their adventure.

  a little portion of God’s presence is equally attached to that portion of faith. God can be with you and it does not mean he is in you.

What I’m I saying?

If you do not have deep understanding of the knowledge of the word of God, you do not have God. God cannot be with you and you are still so frustrated as a believer. Does God frustrate people? distancing yourself from the word of God is never The Believer Can Take Complete Dominion on Earth

2 Chronicles 30:22

And Hezekiah spake comfortably unto all the Levites that taught the good knowledge of the Lord: and they did eat throughout the feast seven days, offering peace offerings, and making confession to the Lord God of their fathers.

even in the old testament, the good knowledge of God was spear-heading their success.

Proverbs 11:9

An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.

this is The Believer Can Take Complete Dominion on Earth on Earth

You need to read this portion time and again; that the only way a just man can be delivered is through knowledge

God is the word, everything about God that has to do with God is in the word.

The fact is that the word of God is the power of God, the more you eat it, the more power, grace you gain, and if you continue you will definitely gain it to the level where no demon can stand withstand you.

2 Peter 1:2

Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,

As a believer, you can only have peace and grace through the knowledge of God, the more knowledge, the more peace, the more knowledge, the more grace attest to The Believer Can Take Complete Dominion on Earth

2 Peter 1:3

According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:

Everything God will ever give you on this earth, as a believer will be through knowledge. This is talking about inheritance, not miracles, healing. Miracles, healings are not inheritance, you are not supposed to be sick. For you to be sick means you still have a problem as a believer, it means no enough knowledge, hence no enough faith and because of that Satan is still able to manipulate things around you

2 Peter 2:20

For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.

You can escape the pollutions of the world through knowledge. This is just The Believer Can Take Complete Dominion on Earth


This is simple and straight forward enough to demonstrate that The Believer Can Take Complete Dominion on Earth

Jesus said it,

If my words abide in you, then that is when you are my disciples. It is not because I called you to be my disciples that you are my. Disciples, you are only qualified if my words abide in you and this is How The Believer Can Take Complete Dominion on Earth

The only person of Jesus you should know after you are born again is THE WORD OF GOD.

Stop looking at or for any personality of Jesus that looks like human.

There is no more Jesus as a human, God ceased to exist in that form after salvation. The only form of God’s existence made available to man after Jesus left the earth is THE WORD.

Any time you are looking for God on earth, there is no other God anywhere than THE WORD OF GOD.

God can never make himself available to you other than his word.


There is no other Jesus than the word. There is no other way Jesus can abide in you than his word and this simply explains How The Believer Can Take Complete Dominion on Earth


In what state is any man, immediately after experiencing salvation?

If you do not have the word, you do not have God, stop deceiving yourselves, and let the evidence speak for you.

It is a serious debate to consider if God actually live in a man after the person is born again.

Yes God will be with you, his presence is with you, but at a certain level that has limitation.

The Principle stands;

That the more knowledge you have, the more grace, the more of God, the more life, the more power.

The grace of God, the life of God, faith, the nature of God, the image of God is being build up in a man by knowledge, to the height or extent the man becomes a god.

The whole thing anchors on building up the spirit through the knowledge of the word.

The Believer Can Take Complete Dominion on Earth

After you accept Jesus and you are saved, what happens here is that?

  • Your spirit is quickened
  • Your spirit is alive to God again
  • Your spirit can access God again
  • You have the potential to become god again
  • You do not have the ability but you now have the potential to dominate the earth again
  • You are now born of God, but as a child.

The bible says;

As a child you are left in the hands of tutors and masters until the time appointed of the father.

That time appointed is not any specific date, but exactly when you have taken up the responsibility to build yourself and grow to be a son.

You eat something to grow, you must sit down and gulp the food at certain rate that determines when you become a son.

Hence that time appointed of the father is determined by the quantity of knowledge accumulated, because at certain level of the acquisition of knowledge, you will mature to become a son.

Once you become a son, you are qualified for inheritance, you are matured, ready to take complete dominion.

Jesus said it,

If my words abide in you, that is when you are my disciples. It is not because I called you to be my disciples that you are my disciples, you are only qualified if my words abide in you.

The only person of Jesus you should know after you are born again is THE WORD OF GOD.

Stop looking at or for any personality of Jesus that looks like human.

There is no more Jesus as a human, God ceased to exist in that form after salvation. The only form of God’s existence made available to man after Jesus left the earth is THE WORD and gaining much knowledge of the word is How The Believer Can Take Complete Dominion on Earth

Any time you are looking for God on earth, there is no other God anywhere than THE WORD OF GOD.

God can never make himself available to you other than his word.


There is no other Jesus than the word. There is no other way Jesus can abide in you than his word.

Life, knowledge of the word, grace, faith, etc., they are all Jesus. Jesus can never enter you as a person, Only as The word of God

When Jesus say; I live in you. He is not talking about his person, never.

The person of Jesus is with the father. I told you he left the earth. He did not leave the earth to your heart, he left the earth to the father.

He is still sitting at the right hand of the father till after rapture.

The father is not also in your heart. I am talking about believers now.

But there is a person that occupies human heart, once you are born of God. And this person is a representative of both the father and Jesus.

I told you this is the direct dispensation of this person. Do not look for Jesus, you will not see him, do not look for the father, you will not see him, but once you meet with this person, you have met with Jesus, and you have mate with the Father.

So what is the name of this person?

The word of God is his name. The intense acquisition of this person is How The Believer Can Take Complete Dominion on Earth. This is the true state of The Believers And Their Power to become

John 14

21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s which sent me.

This should confirm to you that God cannot dwell where the word is not. If you take the word of God from God, God is no more. God is not that thing you are trying to figure.

The Believer Can Take Complete Dominion

Jesus has confirmed here, by himself, that before he and the father abides in you, the word must be there first.

21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

Jesus is even going further to use your love for the word as the yardstick for your love for God.

Isaiah 11: 9

They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

If you do not have the word, you do not have God, stop deceiving yourselves, and let the evidence speak for you.

Hence the only way you can take back your dominion is by acquiring the word to the extent it has dominion in you. I hope you have gained more knowledge on How The Believer Can Take Complete Dominion on Earth

Turn Men messages are being inspired by the Holy Spirit. If you spend time to meditate and pray on these messages, you will be empowered by the flood of light from God that will heal, restore anything lost and most importantly build your spirit to dominate the world as a son.

In case you are not born of God yet, you cannot reject Jesus. You were created by Jesus for Jesus. God created you for himself. To reject Jesus is to rebel against God. Jesus is your life, to reject Jesus is to reject your life. Give your life to Jesus today; repent, accept Jesus into your heart as your lord and savior and be born of God now, it may be late after now!!!!! Do not postpone. Please follow this steps to obey God now.

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