Word Of God Is The Kingdom of God

The Word of God is The Kingdom of God is a proven statement all over the bible, you cannot take the word of God from God, if God cannot do without his word, how about you. The word of God and his kingdom are two identical phrases. We need to analyze how the word of God is the kingdom of God.

Word Of God Definition

The word of God are principles of God that defines who God is.

Translating us into the kingdom of his dear son is not talking about heaven that Jesus said, he will prepare for the believers after he has gone to the father. This other kingdom of his dear son is already in existence from the foundation of the world.

Being transferred into the kingdom of his dear son here means you have entered into the realm where God operate, it means you have entered into the realm of God’s word.

Who is Jesus

The son is JESUS, and who is Jesus? Jesus is the word of God. Hence the kingdom of God is the word of God. The kingdom of God is simply the ways God does things, God’s mode of operation, principles.

You being transferred into the kingdom of his dear son means you were transferred into the kingdom of the word of God, because Jesus is the word of God.

God delivered you from the power of darkness and translated you into the kingdom of the word.

What is the word of God

The word of God is the thought pattern, the mindset of God. Simply put, the way God thinks.

What is the kingdom of God

The kingdom of God is a spiritual realm over which God reigns as king. The kingdom of God is where God lives, where he dwells, it is not a house, it is not a designed space, it is not a limited space, it is never a building. The kingdom of God is not an architectural masterpiece made of gold.

Word Of God is the kingdom of God
Word Of God is the kingdom of God

The kingdom of God is a spiritual atmosphere where God excercise his authority. What defines this domain is exactly what created it.

God’s word is not heaven because the word of God created heaven. The kingdom of God is strictly an atmosphere of God’s authority.

The ordinance of God is the only thing that defines the kingdom Of God. If there is no word of God in a place, know that the kingdom of God is not there and that means you cannot excercise the authority of God in that place.

By now you should know that God is a spirit, angels are spirits. i do not know how angels or spirits will be walking on physical tarred road made of gold, will their feet touch the gold.

The Kingdom Of God Vs Heaven

The kingdom of God i am talking about is different from heaven, a place prepared for believers or people born of God. Jesus said, when i go to the father, i will prepare a place for you.

This means that place that believers will stay will be prepared by Jesus. Not where God is occupying right now.

Heaven is not the kingdom of God. The word of God created heaven and before heaven was created, the kingdom of God existed.

The Word Of God Is The Kingdom Of God

According to the bible, when we were born of God we were translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light which is the kingdom of God. It means every born again Christian is automatically in the kingdom of God. It’s an atmosphere where God rules.

it does not mean God is sitting there as a king watching over everyone. Rather it’s an atmosphere where set ordinances orchestrate the happenings around.

This ordained principles is the creator and the determinant of every outcome in the spiritual atmosphere. Therefore the kingdom of God is set of ordinances, principles that control the acts, outcome and atmosphere of God.

These ordinances, the set principles are nothing else but the word of God.

Believers are yet to discover who the word of God is. If Jesus was to be here physically. There are people who will deny their parents, wives, family, just to spend all their lives with the physical Jesus.

ofcourse not for nothing, but for the enough bread and fishes they will be eating when there’s hunger, for the miracles; raising the dead, turning water to wine and so on.

Angels In The Kingdom Of God

Everything that is of God is also in this kingdom including angels. Angels were created by the word of God, therefore they are automatically in that atmosphere too.

The angels were made by the word of God and their only mode of operation is by hearkening unto the word of God. Angels will never do anything until they hear instructions from the word of God. They only hearken to the word of God that made them.

According ohe bible, Jesus is the word of God. The bible has also addressed Jesus as the father. In other words I will be correct if I say that the father is the word of God. And both of them does not do anything if not by the instructions of the word of God.

It will sound a little bit confusing if I say that the father was made by the word. But the word of God controls all of them including the Holy Spirit.

Believe me, the word of God controls Jesus, the father, and the Holy Spirit. Non of them will do anything that the word of God has not commanded.

Since the word of God created everything, controls everything including the almighty God. It means the word is the supreme being. Even the bible has said that the Three of them are one and the same.

Word Of God is the kingdom of God
Word Of God is the kingdom of God

We are seriously missing who Jesus is and it’s a serious calamity. The physical Jesus that was on earth is now the spiritual word of God that many are ignoring. We are still looking for the physical person.

It means we don’t need him in that physical state again and that’s why God represented him in another form.

And did somebody noticed that after God took him away, God sent another person, a replacement. Meaning, the second person is the one we need now.

The Holy Spirit

And the second person who is the Holy Spirit came to teach us the word of God in order to build our spirit, meaning, ultimately it’s time for the knowledge of the word of God to build our, nothing else

JOHN 14:2,3

In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

This is to confirm that the place Jesus is talking about never existed before Jesus came to earth. it means only after Jesus has left the earth, that the place will be prepared.

Hence this place Jesus is talking about is never where God lives, but will be created out of where God lives.

This means this place will be made just like where God lives.

God’s House


God has a kingdom, that is where the angels are, worshipping him every second, it is never any physical structure, is is not situated on any planet.


The word of God is not any role model, it is not to define our pattern of living, we do not quote it or memorize it to know how to live, to know what to do and what not to do.

Word Of God is the kingdom of God
Word Of God is the kingdom of God


The word of God is God, it is never those letters you see on the surface of the bible. it is a spirit. it is the power of God, it is the wisdom of God. God himself cannot do without it.

The word of God is the only parameter that defines God’s mode of operation. You can also say the word of God is God’s pattern of thoughts. This is exactly like saying, the word of God is a mindset. It is to reason the same way like God.

This is why the bible says in romans 12

12 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Before you can work with God successfully, you must renew your mind, change your pattern of thought completely to align with God’s pattern of thoughts which is simply the way God thinks.

Until you change your thought pattern, it will be hard, very hard to gain from God or work with him because it will be very hard to understand God Himself and if you do not understand God, you will not flow in the relationship.

How do we truly renew our mind? In a day or two? An encounter with one word in a service? Will it be enough?

Jesus told the disciples; the kingdom of God is within you. The kingdom of God is not the physical city as you may expect to see. The kingdom of God is the principle, the mode of operation, the ways of God, the thoughts of God.

The kingdom is the perfect dos and don’ts that guides the principles in which God operates in. Once you operate completely in the perfect principle that guides the operation of God, you are in the kingdom of God.

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