Why Your Pastor is Generally Doing Better Than You

There is a reason Why Your Pastor is generally doing better than you. Pastors are born again believers just like us, they are also sons, they are not preferred more than us. The only difference between a pastor and you is in the area of knowledge. Yes God gave us pastors, but it was not ordained, commanded, neither is there any law in the bible that pastor must do better than members.

Please reference is particularly made to believers in this context. There are pastors that are sole representation of demons. They bury things on the ground, contract demons to aid in their success.

A pastor is anointed, closer to God, hears from God always just because he sets apart quality time almost on a daily bases to feed his spirit with the word, to grow spiritually. The only thing God will love in you is the knowledge of his word in you.

knowledge is the reason Why Your Pastor is Generally Doing Better Than You

This is the only way you draw near to God and God will draw near to you. The word of God is the only thing God has, the only weapon of creation. God honors his word more than his name. The word of God is the only rout to your inheritance, the anointing, power. it is the only way you can attain perfection as a believer

The word of God is the power of God and the wisdom of God. This is the only reason Why Your Pastor is generally doing better than you.

Why Your Pastor is Generally Doing Better Than You

Your Pastor devotes quality time to the word of God everyday. The word of God is God himself, the only way you can make Jesus your friend is to stay with the word. There is no other Jesus than the word of God. Jesus will never reveal himself to you through any other thing than his word which is his totality, his originality.

When you stay with the word, you are staying with power, you are staying with wisdom, you are staying with grace, you are staying with God Himself, and it is never possible that you will not be transformed and take complete dominion on earth

John 6:63

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

There is no other true source of anointing than the word of God. Jesus said; the word that i speak to you, they are spirit and they are life. The knowledge of the word of God is the only thing that shows you how to live and excel as a believer after salvation.

Let us be frank; pastors build their faith to the level of doing miracles, they can heal the sick, most of them cannot even be sick by their faith, which church do they always attend to get to that level?.

They do not go to church on Sundays, they are the one always preaching in their church, so how do they build their faith.

Your pastor sits in his bedroom from morning till night, studying his bible. That is where and how he meets God, hears God, develops his faith, grew his spirit, matures as a believer and become a son ready for his inheritance.

Why Your Pastor is Generally Doing Better Than You

You are deceived if you think it is your offering that makes him rich. He has encountered enough light on that area in his bedroom. Whether by reason of his disposition as a pastor or he consciously just love living in the word, the truth is that the word is working for him because he is working on the word.

His destiny is being fulfilled by reason of his encounter with the word on a daily basis. There are no other reasons, this is why Some christian will regret in heaven

Until you are able to encounter God one on one in your privacy, you are very far from being a son. Sons meet their father in the bedroom, never only in public places.

You do not do family talk in the public. The four walls of the building that you refer to as church is a public place, even Satan can also go there. How can your father always take you to the public whenever he wants to confide with you or have a family meeting.

God relates with us individually, never as a group. When God wants to address us, he does that with our individual name, never group name. You will be surprised that God does not care about the name of your church, he does not even want to know.

God can build a church to grow, it does not mean people inside are equally blessed, no, some believers will always do better than others.

There are levels of blessing. I am not talking about God blessing you because of your service, yes there is blessing for services in the house of God. If you serve God, he will bless you. This is not what i am talking about. If you give to God with all your heart, God will bless you, this is never what i am talking.

No matter how you serve, give, you cannot operate in the realm of power and authority. There are members that are richer than their pastor, because they must have exercise their giving covenant more than their pastor. Giving is a covenant. If you want financial freedom in God, you must keep this covenant faithfully.

Genesis 8:22 (King James Version)
While the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

John 6:28-29 (King James Version)

28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?

29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

You can have all the financial freedom as a christian but you do not walk in dominion and authority. From the above scripture, people asked Jesus that what shall they do to work the works of God. Jesus answered them that they must believe on him whom God has sent.

Believing is a function of faith raised by light from the word of God. it is how deep you are in revelation, how rich you are in understanding of the word of life.

John 6:63 (King James Version)

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, the are spirit, and they are life.

John 6:63 (King James Version)

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

1 Corinthians 1:23-24 (King James Version)

23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling-block, and unto the Greeks foolishness;

24 But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.

I believe you now understand Why Your Pastor is generally doing better than you.

Turn Men messages are being inspired by the Holy Spirit. If you spend time to meditate and pray on these messages, you will be empowered by the flood of light from God that will heal, restore anything lost and most importantly build your spirit to dominate the world as a son.

In case you are not born of God yet, you cannot reject Jesus. You were created by Jesus for Jesus. God created you for himself. To reject Jesus is to rebel against God. Jesus is your life, to reject Jesus is to reject your life. Give your life to Jesus today; repent, accept Jesus into your heart as your lord and savior and be born of God now, it may be late after now!!!!! Do not postpone. Please follow this steps to obey God now.

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