Spiritual Authority 101

Spiritual authority refers to the power, influence, and control that individuals possess in the spiritual realm. It is the ability to exercise control, make decisions, and take actions based on spiritual principles, beliefs, and values

What is a Spiritual Authority

The God-given right to receive and use God’s power that flows from the indwelling Holy Spirit” is what is meant by spiritual authority. This is the authority we develop and express or exercise in the realm of the spirit. Spiritual authority is not a title, It’s developed as you consistently build your spirit daily.

Spiritual authority is the power or influence that a person or entity possesses in spiritual matters. It typically comes from a position of knowledge, experience, or leadership within a religious or spiritual community. This authority is often recognized by followers or adherents who look to the individual or organization for guidance, teachings, or decisions on spiritual issues.

What is the biblical meaning of authority?

In the Bible, authority is often associated with the concepts of power, control, and leadership. It is seen as a legitimate and rightful position of influence that is given by God. Authority in the biblical context is meant to be exercised with wisdom, humility, and by God’s will.

One key passage in the Bible that addresses authority is Romans 13:1-2 (NIV), which states: “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.”

This passage emphasizes the importance of respecting and submitting to authority, as it is ultimately ordained by God. It also highlights the responsibility of those in authority to exercise their power justly and in alignment with God’s principles.

Some Key Aspects of Spiritual Authority

Spiritual authority refers to the power, influence, and control that individuals possess in the spiritual realm. It is the ability to exercise control, make decisions, and take actions based on spiritual principles, beliefs, and values. Here are some key aspects of spiritual authority:

Derived from Higher Source: Spiritual authority is often seen as coming from a higher power, divine source, or spiritual realm. It is the recognition that individuals have a connection to something greater than themselves, which guides and empowers them in their spiritual journey.

Based on Faith and Belief: Spiritual authority is grounded in faith, belief, and trust in spiritual truths, principles, and teachings. It is the confidence that individuals have in their spiritual convictions and the ability to act in alignment with their beliefs.

Exercised through Prayer and Intuition: Spiritual authority is often exercised through prayer, meditation, and listening to your intuition or inner guidance. It involves seeking divine wisdom, guidance, and clarity in making decisions and taking actions.

Used for Good and Positive Purposes: True spiritual authority is used for good, positive, and uplifting purposes. It is about serving others, promoting love, compassion, and peace, and making a positive impact in the world.

Overcoming Spiritual Challenges: Spiritual authority enables you to overcome spiritual challenges, obstacles, and negative influences. It provides the strength, courage, and resilience to face adversity and maintain a strong spiritual foundation.

Aligned with Divine Will: Those who operate in spiritual authority seek to align their actions and decisions with the will of God. They strive to live in harmony with spiritual principles and values, seeking to fulfill their spiritual purpose and destiny.

By recognizing and embracing their spiritual authority, individuals can tap into their inner strength, wisdom, and connection to the divine, allowing them to navigate life’s challenges with grace, purpose, and spiritual insight.

Spiritual Authority in the bible

In the Bible, spiritual authority is often associated with individuals who have been given a special role or anointing by God to lead, guide, and teach others in matters of faith and spirituality. These individuals are seen as having the authority to speak on behalf of God and to provide spiritual direction to others.

Some key examples of spiritual authority in the Bible include:

Prophets: Prophets in the Bible were individuals who were chosen by God to deliver messages, warnings, and guidance to the people. They spoke with authority and their words were considered to be inspired by God.

Apostles: The apostles were chosen by Jesus to be his closest followers and to spread the message of the Gospel. They were given authority to perform miracles, heal the sick, and establish the early Christian church.

Jesus Christ: Of course, the ultimate example of spiritual authority in the Bible is Jesus Christ himself. He spoke with authority, performed miracles, and taught with wisdom and power. His authority was recognized by his followers and even by those who opposed him.

Overall, spiritual authority in the Bible is seen as a sacred trust given by God to individuals who are called to lead and serve others in matters of faith and spirituality. It is meant to be exercised with humility, integrity, and by God’s will.

Spiritual authority in the church

In the context of the church, spiritual authority refers to the leadership and guidance provided by individuals who hold positions of influence within the religious community. These individuals are often recognized as having been called by God to lead, teach, and shepherd the congregation.

Some key aspects of spiritual authority in the church include:

Pastors and Ministers: Pastors and ministers are often seen as having spiritual authority within the church. They are responsible for preaching, teaching, providing pastoral care, and leading the congregation in worship and spiritual growth.

Elders and Deacons: In some Christian traditions, elders and deacons also hold positions of spiritual authority within the church. They may be involved in decision-making, pastoral care, and guiding the congregation.

Church Leadership: The church leadership, which may include a board of elders, deacons, or other governing bodies, collectively holds spiritual authority within the church. They are responsible for setting the direction of the church, making decisions, and ensuring that the church operates following its faith and values.

Discernment and Accountability: Those who hold spiritual authority in the church are expected to exercise their leadership with humility, integrity, and accountability. They are called to discern God’s will, shepherd the congregation, and be accountable to both God and the church community.

Overall, spiritual authority in the church is meant to be a source of guidance, support, and spiritual growth for the congregation. It is a responsibility that is to be taken seriously and exercised with wisdom and love.

What are the levels of authority in the Bible?

In the Bible, several levels of authority are recognized and emphasized. These levels of authority are often hierarchical, with each level having its responsibilities and roles. Here are some key levels of authority as outlined in the Bible:

God’s Authority: At the highest level is God’s authority, which is supreme and absolute. God is the ultimate source of all authority, and all other levels of authority derive their legitimacy from Him.

Civil Authorities: The Bible teaches that governing authorities, such as kings, rulers, and governments, are established by God and are to be respected and obeyed (Romans 13:1-7). Civil authorities have the responsibility to maintain order, promote justice, and protect their citizens.

Spiritual Authorities: This includes leaders within the church, such as pastors, elders, and deacons, who are called to provide spiritual guidance, teaching, and pastoral care to the congregation. They are entrusted with the spiritual well-being of the community and are to lead with humility and integrity.

Family Authority: Within the family unit, there is a structure of authority that includes parents as the primary authority figures responsible for the upbringing and care of their children. Children are called to honor and obey their parents (Ephesians 6:1-4).

Personal Authority: Each individual is called to exercise self-discipline, self-control, and personal responsibility in their lives. This includes following God’s commandments, living in obedience to His will, and stewarding the gifts and talents given to them.

These levels of authority are interconnected and are meant to work together for the well-being of society and the church. When exercised by God’s principles, authority can be a source of order, justice, and blessing.

The spiritual authority of the believer

The spiritual authority of the believer refers to the power and influence that a person has in the spiritual realm as a result of their relationship with God. This authority is often believed to come from a spiritual source and can be accessed through prayer, spiritual understanding of the word of God, the spirit of revelation, meditation on the word of God, and spiritual practices.

In Christianity, for example, believers are said to have authority over evil forces and spiritual warfare through their faith in Jesus Christ. This authority will allow you to pray for healing, protection, and guidance, as well as to overcome spiritual obstacles and challenges.

To express the spiritual authority of the believer, you must have a strong faith, an understanding of spiritual principles, and a willingness to align yourself with the will of God. By exercising this authority responsibly and by your belief, you can experience a deeper connection to the supernatural and a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in your spiritual journey.

Keys to Spiritual Authority

The keys to spiritual authority are principles or practices that help you access and wield your spiritual authority effectively. Here are some key aspects that can help unlock and strengthen spiritual authority:

Faith: Believing in a higher power and having faith in its guidance and support is essential for accessing spiritual authority.

Prayer and Meditation: Regular communication with the divine through prayer and meditation can help individuals align themselves with spiritual principles and receive guidance and strength.

Knowledge of Scriptures or Spiritual Teachings: Understanding and applying the teachings of scriptures or spiritual texts can provide insights into spiritual authority and how to use it effectively.

Integrity and Purity: Living a life of integrity, honesty, and purity can enhance one’s spiritual authority by aligning their actions with their beliefs.

Submission to Divine Will: Surrendering one’s ego and desires to the divine will can help individuals access higher levels of spiritual authority and guidance.

Spiritual Practices: Engaging in spiritual practices such as fasting, worship, and service can help individuals strengthen their connection to the divine and increase their spiritual authority.

Discernment: Developing discernment and wisdom to distinguish between spiritual truths and falsehoods can help individuals wield their spiritual authority with clarity and purpose.

By incorporating these keys into your spiritual journey, you can deepen your connection to the supernatural, access their spiritual authority, and navigate life’s challenges with strength, wisdom, and grace.

It is good to note that spending too much of your time on social media will neither build your spirit man nor spiritual authority.

Who is man

Man is a spirit that lives in a body and has a soul. This means there’s a combination of the spiritual and the physical body in the same body. The Spiritual Food vs Physical Food analysis of the impacts of the differences that exist between the two foods.

If something provides a person, animal, or plant with nourishment, it provides them with the food that is necessary for life, growth, and good health. The spirit man has food that cannot be seen. Spirits do eat. The food that the spirit eats is called spiritual food.

The main difference between spiritual food and physical food is that spiritual food cannot be seen while physical food can be seen.

The Mind

Please the mind is not part of the spirit. The mind is part of the soul which interprets the body messages and forms the central nervous system. Therefore what the mind digests can never be food for the spirit.

Every spirit came from God. Therefore whatever God instituted as good for the spirit is what we take.

Why Food is a necessity

Everything that lives, physically or Spiritually must eat food to live on. Food is a profound doorway into spiritual growth because how you experience food is how you experience life. Angels are spirits and they do eat food.

How do you eat spiritually?

We eat Spiritually by feeding our spirit. Spiritual food is rather knowledge-based. Physical food is visible, for example, rice, beans, oats, yam, vegetables, fruits, and others. Physical food is eaten through the mouth into the stomach and digested into the body.

Spiritual food is the revealed knowledge of the word of God that we ingest into our spirit when we meditate or study the word of God with the spirit of revelation and understanding.

You must understand the word of God before it can be seen as food to your spirit. Therefore the digestive system of spiritual food is the spirit of revelation and understanding.

Physical Man vs Spirit Man

The concept of physical man versus spirit man is a common theme in spiritual and philosophical teachings. Here are some key differences between the two:

Physical Man:

  • Physical man refers to the human being in their physical form, consisting of the body, mind, and emotions.
  • Physical man is influenced by external factors such as the environment, society, and physical needs.
  • Physical man is focused on material possessions, worldly desires, and survival instincts.
  • Physical man experiences the world through the five senses and is limited by time and space.
  • Physical man’s identity is often tied to their external appearance, social status, and achievements.

Spirit Man:

  • Spirit man refers to the inner, spiritual aspect of a person, often associated with the spirit of God if the person is born of God.
  • Spirit man is connected to a higher power or supernatural source and operates on principles of love, compassion, and wisdom.
  • Spirit man transcends physical limitations and is eternal and timeless.
  • Spirit man seeks spiritual growth, enlightenment, and a deeper understanding of the universe and their purpose in it.
  • Spirit man experiences the world through intuition, inner knowing, and spiritual insights.

Biblically, it is the spirit that sustains the flesh, therefore it’s the spirit that must detect the pace for the flesh. But your spirit needs that dominion over the flesh to be able to exercise its spiritual authority over the flesh.

The only way your spirit can dominate your flesh is by taking your mind captive. By taking your mind captive, your spirit has control over your willpower, and by that, your feelings will be subdued.

Your spirit can only hold your mind captive and be in control if your mind is renewed by the word of God. You can renew your mind by consistently feeding it with the revealed word of God. By aligning these aspects harmoniously, you can live a more fulfilling and purposeful life that is guided by both earthly experiences and spiritual wisdom.

We need to distinguish between the physical body and the spirit man before we discuss spiritual food vs physical food.

Man is a spirit that lives in the body and has a soul. Therefore the real man is the spirit man. God is a spirit and created man in his likeness. The likeness of God cannot be flesh or body because God is a spirit.

It was the spirit that created the physical body. God as a spirit created man as a spirit and gave him a body. It’s very necessary to establish the difference and supremacy of the spirit over the body.

The flesh is of no use to the spirit but the flesh has everything to benefit from the spirit. This is the primary reason you should pay more attention to the spirit to enhance its growth.

The physical man eats physical food while the spiritual man eats spiritual food. This means the food for the body can be seen but the food for the spirit cannot be seen.

The spirit man does eat food and grows. The spirit also works and needs strength and energy. Therefore it will also need to replenish itself just like the physical body. It means you can wear out the spirit if you starve it or overwork it.

The only major difference is that spirits don’t die no matter the pressure, but they can be weak, Spirits grow just like the body but the growth is not physical like the physical body.

The growth of the spirit is Spiritual. Spiritual growth is not measured in size like physical growth. The growth of the spirit is measured in its level of spiritual strength and authority.

Bigger spirits have greater spiritual power and authority. Smaller spirits have less power.

What is Spiritual Food

Jesus himself said that his food is to do the will of the Father. There’s Only one food of the spirit, and that is the word of God. Jesus said the words that I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life. In other words, the word of God is what gives life to the spirit.

Spiritual food is the revealed knowledge of the word of God. When we ingest the revealed word of God into the spirit through meditation, it becomes food for the spirit.

The revealed knowledge of the word of God nourishes and replenishes the spirit for growth and proper functionality.

Why Your Spirit Needs To Grow

One of the most important aspects of this exercise is the place of authority and dominion invested in the spirit of man in the spiritual realm. This is the main reason why our spirit needs to feed well and grow. We also have spiritual enemies to conquer, like satan and his demons. Most of your challenges in life are definitely from spiritual sources, it’s only a strong spirit that will be able to face spiritual challenges which are sources of great affliction to man.

Physical Food Definition

Physical Food is what we eat to replenish the body and give it nourishment for growth, energy, and proper functionality.

Spiritual Food Definition

Spiritual food is what our spirit eats to replenish it and give it nourishment for growth and proper functionality.

Spiritual Food vs Physical Food

There is almost no relationship between the physical food and the spiritual food. The two may rather be at opposite ends. Physical food will never make you spiritual, rather it can make you more canal if you don’t have control over it.

Spiritual food too doesn’t have any tendency to increase your physical size. The only relationship I see is that spiritual food will enhance your being even to the physical. The spirit sustains the body, the flesh. This means the growth of the spirit will boost the physical being.

The physical food can be seen while the spiritual food is not visible. The most interesting point is that spiritual food can sustain the physical being. It can give it strength. This can be seen when you are fasting, praying, and eating the spiritual food which is the word of God.

You don’t eat physical food during fasting, but if you are fasting, praying, and eating the word of God as your spiritual food with the spirit of understanding, you will be stronger physically than when you eat physical food.

This is why people will fast for three days without food and they are still very strong.

If you are a believer and you don’t understand your bible when you read it, please don’t try this extensive fasting. You can fast for one day, break, and continue the next day.

What are examples of spiritual food?

Examples of spiritual food include:

  1. Prayer and meditation on the word of God
  2. Bible studies and reading of spiritual literature from sound authors
  3. Attending church services or gatherings
  4. Engaging in acts of kindness and compassion
  5. Spending time to fellowship with God and connecting with the divine
  6. Practicing mindfulness and self-reflection on scriptures
  7. Participating in kingdom advancement endeavors
  8. Listening to uplifting or inspirational gospel music music or chant
  9. Engaging in spiritual practices such as Prayer and fasting
  10. Seeking guidance from spiritual teachers, mentors, pastors, apostles, and evangelists. You must prayerfully and carefully choose your mentors. You must allow the spirit of God to lead you

Importance Of Spiritual Food

Spiritual food is important for nourishing the spirit and promoting overall well-being of the spirit man. Here are some reasons why spiritual food is important:

Nourishment for the spirit: Just as physical food nourishes the body, spiritual food nourishes the spirit. It provides sustenance for our spiritual growth and development.

Inner peace and fulfillment: Spiritual food can bring a sense of inner peace, contentment, and fulfillment. It helps us connect with something greater than ourselves which is God and find meaning and purpose in life.

Guidance and wisdom: Spiritual food often contains teachings, principles, and practices that offer guidance and wisdom for navigating life’s challenges and uncertainties.

spiritual authority 101
spiritual authority 101

Connection with the divine: Spiritual food can deepen our connection with the GOD, the Holy Spirit who is a higher power. It helps us cultivate a sense of awe, reverence, and gratitude for the mysteries of existence, giving thanks to God.

Healing and transformation: Engaging with spiritual food can promote healing and transformation on a deep level. It can help us heal emotional wounds, release negative patterns, and cultivate positive qualities such as love, compassion, and forgiveness.

Community and support: Spiritual food often involves communal practices such as attending church services or participating in spiritual gatherings. This sense of community and support can be comforting and uplifting.

Balance and harmony: Spiritual food can help us cultivate inner balance and harmony by nurturing our spiritual, emotional, and mental well-being in addition to our physical health. Biblically, the spirit sustains the body.

In summary, Our main spiritual food is the revealed word of God. The word of God must be revealed by The Holy spirit before it can be of benefit to the spirit man spiritual food is essential for nurturing our spiritual selves, finding inner peace and fulfillment, gaining wisdom and guidance, connecting with the divine, promoting healing and transformation, fostering community and support, and achieving balance and harmony in our lives.

What is our spiritual food as believers?

As believers, our main spiritual food is the word of God, others include services you render in the house of God, practices, beliefs, and experiences that nourish our faith and connection with God. Here are some examples of spiritual food for believers:

Prayer: Communicating with God through prayer is a fundamental spiritual practice for believers. It helps deepen our relationship with God and seek guidance, strength, and comfort.

Scripture: Studying the bible, reading gospel inspirational literature books, and listening to gospel music is a key source of spiritual nourishment for believers. These texts contain teachings, stories, and wisdom that inspire and guide their faith.

Worship: Participating in church services, activities, is a way for believers to express devotion, gratitude, and reverence to the God. Worship can uplift the spirit and foster a sense of community among believers.

Meditation: Engaging in meditation practices can help believers quiet the mind, deepen their spiritual awareness, and connect with their inner selves and the divine presence.

Service and acts of kindness: Serving God through kingdom advancement endeavors, serving others and performing acts of kindness are ways for believers to embody their faith and live out their values. These actions can bring a sense of fulfillment and joy while also deepening their spiritual connection with God.

Fellowship: Spending time with fellow believers in community settings such as church gatherings, study groups, or service projects can provide support, encouragement, and a sense of belonging.

Reflection and introspection: Taking time for self-reflection, introspection, and examination of one’s beliefs and practices is important for believers to deepen their understanding of their faith and spiritual journey.

Gratitude and mindfulness: Practicing gratitude and mindfulness can help believers cultivate a sense of appreciation for the blessings in their lives and stay present in the moment, fostering a deeper spiritual connection.

Overall, the spiritual food for believers encompasses a wide range of practices, beliefs, and experiences that nourish your faith, deepen your connection with God, and support your spiritual growth and well-being.

spiritual authority scriptures

Here are some scriptures from the Bible that speak about spiritual authority:

Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV) – “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'”

Luke 10:19 (NIV) – “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”

Ephesians 6:12 (NIV) – “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

James 4:7 (NIV) – “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

1 Peter 2:9 (NIV) – “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

These scriptures highlight the spiritual authority that believers have in Christ and the power they possess to overcome spiritual challenges and obstacles. By understanding and applying these teachings, individuals can strengthen their faith, access their spiritual authority, and live a life aligned with divine purpose and guidance.

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