How to Control Your Mind From Negative Thoughts

Your mind can enhance the success of your destiny and future, it can also help to destroy it if you do not know how to control your mind from negative thoughts

Whatever you conceive in your mind is sent to the heart for concession, believe and subsequent storage. once the heart believe in whatever the heart sent to it, it will store it, then the mind will continue to generate more information on that particular thing as a backup to create more faith. When that information is such that there is much believe by the heart, the mouth will start confessing.

Once the mouth starts the confession of that which the heart has so much believed in; it simply means at this point that the entire orchestration in the spirit on this subject matter is completed, it is time to be manifested in the physical, that is why the mouth is announcing it.

How do You Guaranty that whatever your Mind sends to the Heart is Positive.

The best way to control the mind and guarantee it thinks positive all the time is to RENEW YOUR MIND. This is a whole lot of process but we will look at it from the root.

What Does it Mean to Renew Your Mind?

To renew your mind means to completely change it from the old way of thinking to new way of thinking. it is to discard the old mindset and take on a new one. It means to train your mind to think like God. The word of God is the mind of God.

How do we Renew Our Mind

  2. Holy Ghost baptism
  3. Stay on the word always with the spirit of revelation and understanding

Who is the Holy Spirit?

This is where a lot of Christians, even believers do not understand. A lot of people including believers are ignorant of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third person in trinity but it is equally important.

We did not hear so much about Jesus in the Old Testament. According to the bible, God the father was the one

Communicating with the Israelite, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, all the prophets and so on. We did not hear a mention of Jesus nor the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament.

Therefore the personality that presented himself all through the Old Testament was God the Father.

And God promised them Jesus will come as their savior. And at a point Jesus actually came.

Immediately Jesus came, the father was no more appearing or communicating with them, he pulled off from the scene completely, except when he officially announced Jesus at the point of baptism.

Matthew 3:1

How to Control Your Mind From Negative Thoughts

And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Jesus was on earth till he fulfilled what he came to do and announced that he was leaving the earth but that another personality is replacing him, just the way he replaced the father, and that personality is the Holy Spirit.

I am still surprised, very, very surprised, but what is wrong with MAN, oh man.

Jesus said;

It is expedient that I go away, because if I do not go away, the comforter will not come.

This is how important the Holy Spirit is.

3 important things in Jesus statement

1 it is expedient I go away, meaning I will leave the earth, meaning for now every work on earth is handed over to another.

2, it is very important that the comforter will come

What is the comforter coming to do?

To teach and to show you.


The Direct Commitment of the Father and Jesus on Earth Presently?

  1. THE father is no more having any direct commitment on earth
  2. Jesus is no more having any direct commitment on earth

Who is the God in charge of the Earth Now?

Jesus said, the Holy Spirit is on earth to teach us and to show us all things to come.

The Holy Spirit will teach us the word and show us the word. You need to discover from the bible that the holy spirit is the spirit of the word. The Holy Spirit is here to teach us the word of and to show us the word of God.

Who is the word of God

John 1:14

How to Control Your Mind From Negative Thoughts

14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

This means it was the word of God that transformed itself to become man – and the word became flesh

Now look at John 1:1-

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The same was in the beginning with God.

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

In verse 1,

the bible referred to the word that became flesh as God.

it also means that the original name of that person that came to die for man is called THE WORD OF GOD.

It also mean the word of God is a person.

The original name of Jesus from the foundation of the world is called the word of God.

It means also that it was the word of God that came to die for man.

it also mean that it was the word of God that died, resurrected, to save man spiritually.

This means Jesus dearth and resurrection was for the salvation of the spirit man. This was a general foundation layed wheeby your physica wellbeing can thrive on it and regain its dominion as God promissed Adam in Genesis 1:28

Genesis 1:28 (KJV)

How to Control Your Mind From Negative Thoughts

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

How Does our Physical Being now Benefit from What Jesus Did on The Cross? How Can the Salvation of The Spirit also Affect Physical being?

It was the word of God that saved the spirit, God has also ordained that the same word of God will also save the soul and the body. When we talk of our physical well-being, we mean the fulfillment of all the promises of G fro Genesis 1:28 to revelation.

How do you become the head and not the tail, above and never benearthApart from your own salvation, you cannot receive anything from God if not by knowledge.

Proverbs 11:9 KJV

An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.

2 Peter 1:2 KJV

Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,

2 Peter 1:3

According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:

2 Peter 2:20

For if after they have escaped the pollution of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.

John 10:35

If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

This means the only way you can be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth is through the knowledge of the word of God


All your attention should be turned to THE WORD OF GOD, and the Holy Spirit will help you to understand the word.

I do not know what you will need the father and Jesus again for, than to worship, thank and praise.


So, having understood who the Holy Spirit is, we can now discuss the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit Baptism

Jesus told the disciples to tarry in Jerusalem till ye are endued with power.

Holy Spirit baptism is simply the spirit of God coming on you with an evident of speaking in tongues.

To endue means to provide with ability. This is the spirit of God coming on you, giving you the power, the divine enablement to work with God. It will give you the ability to do many things, including to understand the bible, the spirit of revelation.

How to Take Control of your Emotions

Therefore to control your feelings, after being born again and baptized with the Holy Spirit, you stay on the word of God with the spirit of revelation and understanding.

The word of God will renew your mind, build your spirit to overpower your flesh. The word of God is your spiritual food, once your spirit eats enough and enlarge, it will subdue the flesh.

If your spirit is not build up, the flesh will overpower it and be dictating the pace. When your mind is renewed, you will have the mind of Christ and think like God.

You will judge everything move, decision after the knowledge of God. This means you live by the word of God, not the dictates of the flesh.

When you think like God, you will be having results like God.

The bible simply recommends that we should renew our mind with the word of God

How to Control Mind From Negative Thoughts

T o control the mind from negative thoughts mean you have to change your mindset. Controlling the mind from negative thoughts mean to make it to always think positive instead of thinking negative. The best way to achieve this is to completely change the mindset to positivity.

What is mindset

Your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. It influences how you think, feel, and behave. Your mindset is created by what you see, hear, feel, meditate on. The 2 most important influence to mindset is what you see, and what you hear.

Therefore to change your mindset, you must change what you see and what you hear.

How to Change Your Mindset From Negative to Positive

Stay on the word of God,

Saturate your mind with the word of God, let the whole of your being be filled with the word. then you will think like God, you will feel like God. The word of God builds your spirit to overpower your flesh, to silence the flesh.

This is what bible mean by dying to the flesh, you are no more sensitive to the dictates of the flesh, you are only sensitive to God. God is the one always talking through your spirit. The flesh will be completely silenced.

When God wants you to do something, he puts an urge in you, not feelings, so feelings can be completely subdued in the system. It is only when your spirit is not build up and is weak, that is when your flesh will be lively, but if you build your spirit, your flesh is silenced.

How to Renew Your Mind

What Does it Mean to Renew Your Mind?

To renew your mind means to completely change it from the old way of thinking to new way of thinking. it is to discard the old mindset and take on a new one. It means to train your mind to think like God. The word of God is the mind of God.

How do we Renew Our Mind

  2. Holy Ghost baptism
  3. Stay on the word always with the spirit of revelation and understanding

Who is the Holy Spirit?

This is where a lot of Christians, even believers do not understand. A lot of people including believers are ignorant of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third person in trinity but it is equally important.

We did not hear so much about Jesus in the Old Testament. According to the bible, God the father was the one

Communicating with the Israelite, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, all the prophets and so on. We did not hear a mention of Jesus nor the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament.

Therefore the personality that presented himself all through the Old Testament was God the Father.

And God promised them Jesus will come as their savior. And at a point Jesus actually came.

Immediately Jesus came, the father was no more appearing or communicating with them, he pulled off from the scene completely, except when he officially announced Jesus at the point of baptism.

Matthew 3:17

How to Control Your Mind From Negative Thoughts

And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Jesus was on earth till he fulfilled what he came to do and announced that he was leaving the earth but that another personality is replacing him, just the way he replaced the father, and that personality is the Holy Spirit.

I am still surprised, very, very surprised, but what is wrong with MAN, oh man.

Jesus said;

It is expedient that I go away, because if I do not go away, the comforter will not come.

This is how important the Holy Spirit is.

3 important things in Jesus statement

1 it is expedient I go away, meaning I will leave the earth, meaning for now every work on earth is handed over to another.

2, it is very important that the comforter will come

What is the comforter coming to do?

To teach and to show you.



  1. THE father is no more having any direct commitment on earth
  2. Jesus is no more having any direct commitment on earth

Who Should we Look Up to as God on Earth

Oh man all your attention should now be turned to the Holy Spirit.


All your attention should be turned to the word, and the Holy Spirit will help you in its understanding.

I do not know what you will need the father and Jesus again for, than to worship and thank and praise.


So, having understood who the Holy Spirit is, we can now discuss the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

The word of God is the God with Man now

Believe me, this is the God that will answer you at any point you touch him, this is the God that will provide all your need, this the God that will give you the power you need on earth. You should remember it was the word of God that turn himself to flesh to become Jesus for the purpose of saving man.

This means the word of God is the real Jesus, hence the Jesus you see is the word of God inform of man. Jesus as a person for the purpose of what he came for, had finished that assignment and step aside for who i will still call the real Jesus.

People are still looking upon the person of JESUS, you will not gain much from that personality that was once on earth. The JESUS available for man now is THE WORD OF GOD. JESUS that came to die had announced that he had gone to the father, he had finished his assignment on earth and left for the next personality to take over.

it was the word of God that told GOD, yes, i will volunteer to go and save man, the word is the way, the word is the truth, the word is the life. it was the word of God that volunteered to come and save man, and the father told the word, so you take the name JESUS and turn into flesh and look just like man before you can qualify because a man’s blood must be shed for man’s salvation.

After the word of God had finished that assignment, that version of the word had to remain with God as evidence.

The salvation of our spirit was complete after Jesus died and rose. For man to enjoy the evidence, the manifestation of what Jesus did on the cross, on earth. For that reality to show on your body. For you to have your authority back, your dominion back, your power, your prosperity.

All these things i have mention has to do with your real life on earth, your physical life on earth. For you to experience all the blessings that God has promised in the bible through his word.

God made those promises through his word, you can only experience those promises through His word.

Therefore Jesus had left the earth and handed us to his real person which is THE WORD OF GOD.


People spend a lot of time praying each day for Jesus to help, Father help, destroy, kill. God will have mercy and answer our prayer, but this is not God’s plan for man.


it is all over the bible; before you call i will answer, you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, they will come against you one way and fall before you seven ways. Whatever is born of God overcome the world.

We are all praying because we are not seeing these results, these promises, but did God lie? NO

So how do we supposed to exact these promises?

God has also said in his word that you cannot get any of his promises if not by knowledge.

So the word of God is the God we supposed to sit with, eat with, sleep with, wake up with.

This is the person that will renew your mind and make you think like God in order to have God kind of result.

Why Did the Holy Spirit Came

The Holy spirit came to teach us this God, to show us this God, to help us understand this person by revealing this person to us.

So the more you spend time with the God called THE WORD OF GOD, THE MORE YOU ARE TRANSFORMED TO BECOME LIKE GOD

The bible has said that the word of God is the wisdom of God and the power of God.

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