How to Be Fruitful

Everybody wants to be fruitful and this is the primary reason for the topic How to Be Fruitful.

I do not mean having one million dollars in your account, building houses, acquiring cars. God’s level of fruitfulness for his sons is never in second class, it is what eyes has never seen nor ear heard, it beats imaginations, no one would ever think of God.

God has no limitation on the level of fruitfulness for his sons. That is why the bible says. It is unto you according to your faith. Whichever level your faith can carry, you will be there.

How to be fruitful
How to be fruitful

And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.

And faith is according to the level of acquisition of the knowledge of the word. God’s covenant of fruitfulness is strictly based on the level of light or revelation acquired from his word. It is not giving. Giving without faith, giving without light, giving without understanding is fruitlessness.

If you give with high level of understanding and faith applied, then there is no limit to the fruitfulness of that which you gave. It is simply measured to us according to our faith. If it is according to our faith, then why not leave everything and acquire the faith. It means faith is the most important factor in fruitfulness.

It is your faith that will determine how much you will give. How much you give can never determine your faith. So do not rush to give, stay on faith, forget giving. You cannot help but give when there is faith for it, but no matter how much you give, it changes nothing when there is no faith for it to yield.

Faith is never gotten from anywhere else than the word of God. So stay on the word, eat the word, drink the word, sleep with word, and wake up with it.

Spend at least 3 to 5 hours a day studying the word of God. Ask God for the spirit of revelation, spirit of understanding, always ask the Holy Spirit to come and teach you the word whenever you are studying it.

Once you are born again, this is the next and only thing you need in life to progress, if you care about fruitfulness, this is the one and only thing you need in life.

Many of us do not care about what we need, but what we want. We often think the first thing we need in life is a university degree to work and earn a living from there. This is what you want, but never the first thing you need.

I challenge you to give the word of God full time studies and earn your first degree in life from it before you think of the one from any university. I wish you understand that the success of that first degree program is what determines how successful you will be in the second one. The first one is what you need, the second one is what you want. It is completely lack of faith to do this otherwise.

We seriously do not understand who the word of God is, and the most or crucial part of it is that God has buried himself in his word for anyone who cares to find him.

How to be fruitful
How to be fruitful

14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Many people are fasting to get God’s attention, many are praying every day, many soak themselves in the service area, all to get God’s attention for blessing,

one way or the other, but believe me, no doubt, they are experiencing frustration, many do not understand again, they do not know which one to hang on.

Where will your prayer go without faith, where will your fasting go without faith? As your faith increases, the need for prayer reduces, you will be praying less with more faith, you will be fasting less with more faith.

Believe me all you need in life is much more of the spiritual understanding of the word of God which is God himself. I challenge any man under the sun,

if you think there is any other means that you can get God to live in you with prove, apart from staying in the light of his word which is revelation or spiritual understanding, let such an one come out and we do the prove.

There is what people call anointing which some people get it by impartation, this is part of the miraculous, wisdom can be imparted, it is the same thing like someone praying for you and you got healed, even people who are not born again can be healed by God.

That is why Jesus said, miracles are for children, it is children’s bread. It is very different from you sitting on the revelation of God’s word, building God in your system. It proves the power of doing anything with understanding.

Faith increases. As your understanding increases with knowledge, faith increase, and your spiritual authority equally increases. Spiritual authority decides the level of dominion you have.

The earth was for man to dominate, it was made for man. And since God’s intention was to create man for himself; it means the earth was made for the sons of God to rule.

God gave the earth to Adam as his son. Adam was of God, was created for God. God was always coming down to communicate with him. Adam live of the breadth of God.

It was just like God reproducing himself, therefore Adam was born of God before the fall, therefore God created the earth specifically for his sons, not for devils and his allies.

You cannot allow Satan to rule you, dominate you, and manipulate you on earth for any reason, except you do not know your right.

I am not talking about dominion in one area, being fruitful in one area, no.

GENESIS 1:28 How to Be Fruitful

How to Be Fruitful

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

If God wants to make you fruitful, it can never be financially alone. It will be all round fruitfulness. I am not talking about miracle, you can have a miracle of fruitfulness, just like someone might have miracle of healing. I mean all round generational impact fruitfulness.

For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;

10 That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;


God told Abraham, in you shall all the families of the earth be blessed. That means no one shall be blessed if not through Abraham’s blessings, never ending blessing.

And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them.

Two thousand years after, people are still experiencing it. Look through Isaac, you will see the blessing, Jacob experienced it, joseph, David, Solomon.

Genesis 17:5-7 How to Be Fruitful

How to Be Fruitful

King James Version

Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.

And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.

And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.

Miracle is a momentary thing, your son may not experience the same thing after you. Miracle is never God’s plan for his children because miracle is never an inheritance. Miracle is a special intervention by God due to certain ignorance, disobedience. If you are healed, it is never God’s plan for you to be sick.

If you happen to go on a fast or special prayer by a man of God for you to get a contract, this is never the will of God for you.

You never supposed to go on a fast or special prayer to be offered for you to get to the top. The top is supposed to be your natural heritage without any prayer as a son.

Why must you need special intervention to use any of your father’s property if you are grown?

Verse 1o says

Being fruitful in every good work, this is naturally being fruitful in all that you do. This is inheritance, and it is earned generationally. The condition is simply being filled with the knowledge of his will

Fruitfulness is another word for being filled in the knowledge of his will. Therefore once you are filled in the knowledge of his will, you are naturally being fruitful without any prayer or fasting.

The word of God is everything, the word created the entire universe, the word of God is the power of God. You do not need any other power apart from the word. God himself does not rely on any other power apart from his word.

If you think you can have Jesus with prove without the word, show up with your prove. I do not mean confession.

Jesus cannot be in you and you are being pressed at night, Jesus cannot be in your life and you do not have food to eat. Does Jesus starve people?

Stop deceiving yourself, demons are kicking you around and all you know is to confess that you have Jesus. How can Jesus be in you and nothing changes? Jesus is the word and the word of God is the power of God.

The word of God is live, it brings dead things to life, it rejuvenates, it resuscitates, so do not tell me Jesus is in you and no glory? Impossible.

Where the word of a king is, there is power.

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