8 Benefits Of Spending Time to Study Bible

There are many benefits of spending time to study bible. You need to be aware that before you can understand the word of God, you must be born again. Born again means to have a relationship with God.

Benefits Of Spending Time to Study Bible

Benefits Of Spending Time to Study Bible

After you are born of God, then God will teach you his ways through his word. You cannot work with God if you don’t develop the mindset of God. You have to think like God, to relate well with God. This is the essence of spending quality time to study bible, and this has innumerable benefits.

#1. You will be able to build quality relationship with God

Quality relationship with God is the first one of the benefits of spending time to study the bible, and this is the foundation of Christianity. God created man for himself, and if you can’t relate well with God, the purpose for which God created you is defeated.

benefits of spending time to study bible,
benefits of spending time to study bible,

#2. You will build your spirit

Building your spirit is the second one of benefits of spending time to study the bible. As a child, you have to grow. Eating quality food is what enhance growth. You have to be spiritually strong to resist the devil and he will flee.

Your enemies are spirits, not flesh and blood, you have to build your spiritual muscle large enough to contend them. You are in a spiritual battle not physical, it’s your spirit that fights this battle, not your body because the battle is not physical.

benefits of spending time to study bible,
benefits of spending time to study bible,

#3. Your dominion and authority will be restored

#4. You will gain access to your inheritance as heir of God

We all have inheritance in God as children of God, but inheritance is not given to children until they are grown to become sons. You cannot give a car to a five-year-old child; he may destroy himself with it.

#5. You will build your faith

When you stay with God at home to study the bible and gain knowledge of God through his word, you gain more concentration to access the required light for optimum growth.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

It is important to note that faith is measured in levels. This means that before your faith can produce or yield a result, it must be certain. Jesus said if your faith can be as small as mustard seed, then you can say to a mountain, Be thou removed and be cast into the sea, and the mountain will Obay you.

Levels of faith

Your level of faith is directly equal to the level of revelation and knowledge of the word of God you possess. This is enlightenment on the amount of time you need to invest in acquiring knowledge of God’s word. If faith is this important, then knowledge of the word of God is more important.

There’s no other way to increase our faith than through the knowledge of God’s word. Every time you encounter the light of God’s word, it builds your faith in God, makes you believe in God more, and increases and builds your trust in God.

#6. You will mature as a son

As Christians, we grow. This growth is spiritual. The food we eat to grow is the word of God. Just like biological growth, when you are newly born again, you are a child, a spiritual child. As a child, your initial food, will be milk, and as you grow, you start to eat solid spiritual food until you are mature enough to chew bones.

#7. You will access the power of God

The word of God is the power of God; the more you spend time with the word of God, the more you build up the power of God in you. In this regards, your authority and dominion in the realm of the spirit keep increasing

#8. You will be a god

John 10:35: If he called them godsunto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken,

Hence, God uses revelation to process man’s perfection. As you stay on the word, your image is gradually changing and conforming to the image of Christ.

This means there’s a faith level that will transform you into a god. As your faith level increases through faith, you are gradually being transformed into a god. As your faith

More materials on the benefits of spending time to study Bible can be found on our social media handles.

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