Love And Hate (Part 1)

Love is the ability to perceive what will hurt another person and avoid it. It does not necessarily mean what you are trying to do to another is bad, but just that the person will not like it.

One man’s meat can be another man’s poison. If eating meat will destroy your neighbor or send him or her to hell; it is better to stop eating the meat.

Love is a Sacrifice

When you stop eating the meat that would have hurt your fellow citizen, you are showing him or her affection, you are making a sacrifice, it will mean a lot to the person. You are showing him or her love

The societal impact here is that; when your turn shows up, he will do the same to you. It might even be to your children or children’s children, and it becomes a positive generational norm.

Love Does not Forget

Imagine that the only food, you had to eat, you give it to your neighbor who did not also have, he will never forget that. Somebody hired an assassin to kill another person, by the time the assassinator arrived the persons house, he discovered the person he was hired to kill saved his life in the hospital when he was small.

Irrespective of the level of marijuana he swallowed before the operation, he had to come back to his senses and abort the deal. In fact he went back and warned the person that hired him that if anything happens to the man his live will go for it. This is the unbroken power of true love.


Sometimes very tiny things we do to people, negatively or positively, mean a lot to them. We should be very careful, even with our words. A word not fitly spoken can set a whole city on fire. And you hear people say; is it that small thing I do? It is small to you, but very big to him or her that is hurt with it.

This is how people hate unconsciously, you hate without planning to do that. it is not about your heart, motive, but it is all about your actions. people acts unconsciously many times. Such people will not be aware when others are hurt because they did not do it intentionally.

They think one thing but their behavior is acting a different thing. Humans are more fanatics of their thoughts than actions, they believe more on what they are thinking, than their actions. Humans are more loyal to their thoughts than actions.

A man can collect money and swear he never collected it, and you think he is joking. The mind was not there when he collected the money.

At times when you discover you have hurt, the little “I am sorry” could have healed a large wound.

  When you perceive what will hurt and still embark on it, it means you hate and do not believe in the person.

Invariably, you are telling the person; I’m not part of your system, I do not want to go with you, you are on your own. This is simply an invitation to be an enemy. It might be creeping gradually till full blown.

Sometimes you might not have wanted it to that extent, but that behavior is simply inviting the person to do you same thing, and soon two of you will become opponents in a fight that no one can predict the end, only the beginning.

Except there is anyone of the two that has the word of God abiding in him or her, the whole thing might turn out to be a tragedy.

Love is not a Feeling


I am just trying to paint a picture between love and hate, and how the whole syndrome begins. You must understand that love is never a feeling, never. I love you irrespective of the fact that you hate me; that is love.

It is a covenant, you must learn from God. Jesus was dying for the same people that was killing him, the same people that trusted darts on his side and blood was gushing, he was dying for their salvation.

The same people that were slapping him on the face and spitting on him, Jesus was dying for their sins. Instead he was praying that the father should forgive, for they knew not what they were doing, and this is the truth and one of the reasons we should always forgive. Many people does not know what they are doing when they hurt.

Forgive, Vengeance is God’s, you cannot take it from Him

Most of the differences is due to misunderstanding. We misunderstand people’s actions a lot, but whether they know or do not know, you have to forgive, forgive and forgive, please forgive, always forgive.

Romans 12:19
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

If you do not forgive, you too will be in bondage, because there is a sin of unforgiveness. Most times it is difficult to forgive, please go and kneel down and pray that God should help you to forgive.

Isaiah 63:4


For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come.

If you do not forgive people, you are taking the law into your hands, you are trying to do what God says that is his work to do, you are trying to take over from God, and can you overthrow him?

Are you sure you can help God. God says vengeance is mine, and you want to snatch it from HIM, are you that able? Now you are seeing millipedes and cockroach, what when the crocodiles appear? Will you still stand? O you mighty man of warrior.

Many people think God is slow in answering prayers and returning vengeance, I have heard people say that many times. This is a total lack of knowledge, they do not even understand themselves, not to talk of the things of God.

This people does not know what they are looking for, and the devil they serve has punish them by making them to keep beating the air, you cannot even compete with your younger ones, you are comparing yourself to God.

There are some things men should not ever allow to come out of their mouth, because once you utter that, you attract a curse. You would be wicked to say the person that created you is slow, then how fast are you?

You that could die tomorrow and no medical doctor, Satan, nor any man born of a woman can trace what killed you. Same you that knows how a thing can be fast or slow, why couldn’t you trace how your calamity was fast or slow, you couldn’t even trace where it came from, nor how it happened?

Vengeance belongs to God

There is something I always advise people, leave God for God, we all know nothing, except the very one God himself will teach you. When you study the bible you will understand how God operate.

The foundation of every issue is that men does not know what they need, so they keep beating the air looking for what they want for their greed. Seek ye first the kingdom, but greed will not allow.

If God says forgive, let your mind be on obeying God, and that is all, forget every other thing else. The bible says obedience is better than sacrifice. The bible says instructions from the word of God is your life, you cannot ignore your life, obey the word of God.

When God says he will avenge, did he tell you how? Or do you want to suggest how he will do that to him? Are you sure you know the how?

Please give time to your bible study, do not just study for one hour, it will do you no good. With all the wise scientist in America, Europe, Asia, Indonesia, all the continents of the world, till today, none of them can make a star.

 No one can enter the sun, they have not yet discovered all the planet, corona virus has shut down the entire world economy, and everybody is indoors in the United States, Italy, Spain, and many other countries because of corona virus.

Then how can you think the person that created the sun, the moon, the stars, the animals, the earth, and even you does not know better, or is slow. Man is only the wisest among the animals, and this is only because God gave man that position. By the time you delve a little bit into the mysteries of God, you will discover you knew nothing.

Seek Ye First The kingdom

Focus on what God says you should give attention to, and that is seek ye first the kingdom of God and all other things will be added, but do you know what men think about this; men think you may even die without seeing those addition. This is not just lack of trust but greed, laziness, they want it fast, fast.

Sitting down to study the bible for 5 hours is a big punishment, take it to those in the prison, they are the ones who does not have what to do. If only they know, those occupations are digging their grave. Jesus said, the words that I speak to you, they are spirit, and they are life.

The Word of God is The Love of God

Why I’m I taking you this far in the subject of love? The word of God is the love of God, if you know the word of God, if the word of God abides in you, you will understand the love of God, and you will never find it hard to forgive.

There is a path, once you step into that path, everything in your life begins to take shape, you start finding fulfillment in life, and what is that path; the understanding of the knowledge of who God is in his word.

The word of God is God himself. When you start sitting on the word for 5 hours, 8 hours, digging and understanding. You are sitting with God himself, you are looking unto God himself. The bible says; they looked unto him, and were enlightened, and their faces were not ashamed.


Moses was with God on the mountain, for some time, and by the time he came down, the children of Israel could not look at his face because of the glory on him. You know what?

The bible says that glory was to be done away with. YOU CANT COMPARE THAT GLORY with what we have now in Christ, what we have now is eternal, take advantage of it.

To The center of all the messages is on one thing; staying on the path of the understanding of the knowledge of the word of God is the answer to every question, the solution to every problems, this is the help to the helpless.

If you hate, you hate because you don’t know God, if you love, you love because you know God. God is love, if you know God you know love, if you understand God, you understand love.

Turn to Jesus group was established for your interest. It is an international word, evangelistic group with the aim of turning men and women to JESUS. We have many ways of impacting our members positively for their general wellbeing. Our goal is to establish ourselves in every country of the world. Do well to obey God and join Turn to Jesus Group in this campaign if you are born of God.

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