A lot of things have changed in the new covenant, and you need to know that the old one was abolished on the arrival of the new covenant. One of such great changes is what brought the topic; walking with God is personal.
Walking with God is personal, this is strictly the new testament pattern of approach. Journey with God is no more in a group. It is they that know their God. Whether you know or you do not know, what you do not know can never affect me. The knowledge is made available to everyone.
Your sin can never take me to hell, and neither will what I do with my life take you to heaven. Every man answers for himself. This is one of the main difference between the old testament and the new testament.
In the new testament we deal with God strictly on individual basis.
Old Testament Covenant
Walking with God wasn’t personal in the old testament. In the old testament, God knew only one set of people and recognized them as a group. That was the Israelites. Every other people were called gentile or alien.
That’s why the old covenant was made only for them and with them. The new testament or the new covenant is for the entire earth, everybody, but strictly with individuals not group. walking with God is personal in the new testament.
What does walking with God mean
Walking with God means to relate with God, and to communicate on friendly or intimate terms. To Walk with God means to be spiritually sensitive to God and his ways.
It means to enter into a covenant with God by being born again. It is a continual and consistent relationship with God.
Borm Again Is A Personal Decision
Being born again is a covenant. It’s a public declaration of Jesus as your Lord and personal savior. You publicly declare that from now on you submit to Jesus as your Lord and savior. This is a personal declaration, a personal decision. No one can decide for another. This is why walking with God is personal.
This means you are going to abide by his terms by living according to his standard of prescriptions in the bible. It’s an agreement to choose light and shun the darkness but on individual terms.
That agreement has terms and conditions. You are declaring to join Jesus in the sonship. God has his own part of the agreement to fulfill too.
There are blessings, and inheritance attached to the agreement. Yes, God will provide the grace, but you have to agree.
Walking with God is Personal
“Walking with God is personal” means you are not going to God as a group, you are not relating with God as a group, though you are in church, gathering, or in your privacy.
In the old testament When God used to relate with people as a group, everyone must be right. If anyone is wrong, the whole congregation is wrong. So when one person commits sin, God will punish everyone.
If the father commits sin, the whole family will be punished. All these happened in the old testament which was abolished. The old testament was abolished on the arrival of the new testament.
How The Church Function As A Group
God refers to church as a group of people that forms the body of Christ. Jesus is the head and this group of people is the body of Jesus.
Please you to understand this very well. It will help you to equally understand why walking with God is personal.
God refers to church as a collection of everyone born of God in the entire earth, therefore each group or individuals born of God are all part of the body. This means you can as well refer to individuals or group in a congregation as church.
Therefore church is a person or people who are born again. Church is never a place of worship according to the bible.
The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb
Revelation 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
Revelation 19:8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.
Revelation 19:9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
Revelation 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
There’s what is called “the marriage supper of the lamb” in the bible. This is when Jesus will be officially married to his body. It’s going to be a spiritual union that can never be separated once it’s joined.
This is the complete idea of God when it comes to marriage. To God, once two people are joined together in marriage, it must never be separated.
Marriage is a spiritual union. Spiritual union is like a chemical reaction that can never be undone. This is exactly how God instituted it, and no man can change it.
The bible says God hates divorce, and if for any of your own reason you divorce, then you should never marry another person again.
it’s in the bible that you must not marry. If you ever think of divorce, then don’t marry. Spiritual covenants must not be broken no matter what.
There’s no spiritual reason for breaking spiritual covenants, and there’s no natural reason that is qualified to break spiritual covenants.
Therefore church is the body of Christ and not a place where christians gather.
After you were able to discover how to find God and get born again which was made possible by the death and resurrection of Jesus, your next point of reconciliation has to be your relationship with God.
You are the church and your body is the temple. So you worship God in your body, forget about any location or building.
Once you are born again, Jesus is the head, you are the body, the church.
What Happens During Church Services
God says; do not forsake assembling yourselves together from time to time. We have to do the word and obey God, so when we gather, different bodies come together to worship God in their temples which is their bodies.
God does not live in buildings, God lives in us. We worship God in us, not in buildings. God does not have a location on earth; the location of God is in us.
If you have ever gone to a location to worship God, you have never worshiped God, but location or building. This is no more Old Testament, the old covenant was completely abolished, In the new testament, we worship God in spirit and in truth.
Why God Created Man
Jesus did not die for a building or location neither was his blood shed to sanctify a building.
Please let us quicken our understanding, God created man in his own image. And the bible has recorded that God created man for himself. In other words, God created man primarily for his personal relationship.
That relationship also means that God made man to live in man. This is our purpose of creation. Once we fail to fulfill this purpose, we don’t have any destiny and every other thing we try to do will also fail because the foundation is out of place.
One of the reasons to be born again is to fulfill our fundamental purpose of creation. God created man for himself, essentially for the purpose of relationships.
If we now try to be painting pictures or encourage the presence of God in stones, sand, and water, rather than in us, it means we have lost our value because we’re trying to betray our purpose of creation.
Sometimes it looks like we are trying to walk with God using our emotions. We have to discover how to control our emotions because God has never used emotions for anything.
Stop worshipping buildings or locations as idols. God is a spirit and lives only in human hearts, never building. God is in you, never building. If the presence of God is in any building, it’s because there are sons of God in the building.
That presence radiate from the spirit of the sons present. When the sons of God gather together to worship God, God visits their spirit.
The presence of God descends on them through their spirit, not the building. Therefore if the presence of God is in the building at all, it radiates from their spirit.
The building receives from our spirit, not direct from God. Where two or three of the sons or children of God are present, God is also there.
What this statement simply means is that God lives in our spirit. God is where his people are gathered, not where buildings are gathered.
if we all agree that God lives in us, in our spirit, when we start to worship and the presence of God fills the place where we are, is the God already in us that showed up, or has God visited the earth once again?
God used to come down or visit the earth in the old testament, this is no more Old Testament. In the new testament, God lives in man.
Jesus left the earth ànd is situated in the right hand of the father. So both of them are in heaven or their abode. God sent the Holy Spirit to earth to live in man.
God expresses himself on earth through the Holy Spirit that lives in your spirit. If you have ever been deceived that the father left the throne directly to the earth for anything, you were deceived.
God does not visit buildings or stones, God only communicates with our spirit. God does not communicate even with our bodies. If the body, clothes, or maybe the hanky of a man has the power of God, it’s radiation or impartation from his spirit to the cloth or hanky.
From his spirit to the body, then to the cloth. When we say walking with God is personal, it’s a direct reference to the spirit.
How God Relates To Us
Working with God is personal even with our spirit. God is a spirit and can only relate with our spirit. The relationship is strictly with individual spirits.
Whatever result we see due to our relationship with God, maybe in terms of power, anointing, etcetera, is a sign of the level of faith we have in God. In other words, it’s due to how much we have been able to build our spirit to be receptive to God. It’s the level of spiritual growth.
Every business and interaction of God with man is through the spirit. I still have to remind you that man is a spirit that lives in the flesh and has a soul. Whenever the sons of God are gathered, God sees them as spirits.
You need to know certain facts, God does not see nor recognize your flesh. The Bible has said that the flesh profits nothing. It means the flesh is not useful, therefore God is not interested in it. You only have to take care of it because that is where you live, that is your house.
it is in the bible, that once you are born again, your spirit is reunited with God, alive to God, and therefore has the potential to gain strength and authority from God to sustain the flesh. Still proving that God has no business with your body.
Your flesh is completely your business. God is a spirit and has nothing whatsoever to do with our flesh. Of course, if you build your spirit, the presence of God in the spirit will surely influence or impact upon the flesh; it will sanctify, and make it godly too.
The Human Mind
The mind of the flesh can think like God, human senses can be made to reason like God, this is why the bible instructs us to renew our minds. The major problem of the flesh is in the wrong mindset.
The mind is used to feelings, interpreting things according to how the body feels, and this completely opposes the mind of God because God does not follow feelings, God walks or lives by faith according to his principles which is his word. This is the main reason God and the flesh cannot walk together.
Build Your Spirit
Now, all my emphasis so far has been to make you understand how important it is to build your spirit. Even believers will hate you if you try to get more serious with God, they say you are too spiritual, you are carrying this God thing too much on your head, but walking with God is personal oh man.
Lack of Knowledge is Not An Excuse
Ignorance can never be an excuse for failure because the knowledge is made available. You are the one to search for knowledge. You had finished his part by sending the Holy Spirit to teach. The Holy Spirit does not have any location, he is always by you wherever you are.
Lack of knowledge has been the reason for too many errors. Men will buy very costly perfume, and cream and some will even bleach their black skin to be white.
A lot of people spend so much money and buy expensive food to eat, just to make sure their body is well taken care of.
If for any reason you try to make them attend church four times a week, they will murmur. They invest so much in their flesh, but their spirit is starving.
The spiritual food is the word of God, ask them when they study their bible last, and how much time they spend studying the bible each week.
Some Christians don’t even have a bible, but they will eat at the restaurant and collect extra. You have to know that walking with God is personal and the personality there is the spirit.
They invest so much in the flesh that profits nothing but don’t even have time for the spirit that sustains the flesh. This is the error, the cankerworm eating up many Christians. This was not so in the beginning, energy has done this.
How can you fail to know that you are a spirit? You should invest more in yourself as a spirit. You should never give your body its food if your spirit is not fed, every day.
The Church
We have to get it correct, going to church is good, and it encourages us to build our faith. The pastor steers us up and helps us have hope, helping us to understand the word of God by explaining it to our understanding.
But the emphasis was never made, that the primary place of worshipping God and building faith is in our bedroom. There should be more power at home than in church, for you, not general now.
You will forever gain more from God if you approach him as a person, not as a group because all of God’s reactions will be specifically for you.
The only difference is that by the time we now come together, maybe on a Sunday, and we corporately bind a demon, such a demon should be extinct.
Because we are now joining our faith together to achieve a common goal. BUT ONE FAITH THAT IS BUILT BY KNOWLEDGE IS MORE FORCEFUL THAN ONE THOUSAND FAITH THAT IS NOT DEVELOPED.
Jesus said;
A time will come that ye would worship God neither in this place nor in Jerusalem.
The Bible says;
They that worship God must worship God in spirit and in truth, and the spirit is you, and the truth is the word of God.
Your actions also prove how much you love God. If you love him enough, you will never want to be distracted by anything whenever you are praying, worshipping, or simply communicating with him.
I lock my door, silent, or put off my phone whenever I am communicating with God. Even humans always look out for that respect. If you want any level of success in your relationship with the Holy Spirit, then you must know how to respect privacy.
You live in your house, you do not live in that building you call the church, and you spend more time in your house than in the church.
The church is mostly just a one-hour meeting. I don’t know how it is possible to build any more successful relationship with God in church than in your house.
So many people could not visit the building they called church during the covid 19 pandemic, so what did they do? Christianity was suspended for a while? Maybe many also suspended their relationship with God till covid 19 could be controlled. What if it could not be controlled?
People refer to the building as a place of worship. They cannot miss Sunday service because they must worship, once they enter the building they wear a different mood. You know what? They are worshipping the building.
Many cannot fight, or quarrel on Sundays, Sunday is a sacred day, and they worship Sunday.
Their bodies can be so messed up, but the building must be sacred. The building has replaced their bodies as the temple of God. This is idol worship.
Please do not forget our sub-topic is simply that;
The true acquisition of the knowledge and understanding of who God is, which equals your faith, is achieved in your privacy, never in any gathering, as you may like to refer to as a church.
Never forsake the assembling of you together, if you assemble every Sunday, please go, and join, but that assembly is not the church.
The church of Jesus which is the body of Christ is not a congregation, not a denomination, or a building; rather it is everyone born of God all over the world.
It is a body of all believers worldwide. Only God can know or sees this body because only he knows those that are born again and those that are not.
You cannot tell if everyone in the church is born again, you can’t know those that are born of God and those that are not because you cannot read their hearts. It is more of a spiritual building, never physical.
More of the spiritual building because it is referring to us as spirit beings, not our flesh.