The Spiritual Realm – Basic functional structure

The spiritual realm is the unseen world, quite different from the earth that is seen. Because it cannot be seen by any physical eyes means it can only be occupied by invisible beings called spirits.

There are three different groups of spirit. We have God and his angels, secondly we have human spirits, and lastly we have Satan and his demons.

Location of The Spiritual Realm and kingdoms involved

The spiritual realm exist within any space of creation; on earth and any other planet.
The three different groups of spirits that occupy the spiritual realm belongs to two different kingdoms; the kingdom of darkness, which is of Satan and his demons, and the kingdom of light which is the kingdom of God.
You need to understand how the two kingdoms that operate in the spiritual realm function. Coming under the influence of any of this kingdom is strictly based on individuals.

By this I mean one person’s spiritual atmosphere may be influenced by the kingdom of light while another may be influenced by the kingdom of darkness, it all depends on what individuals allow or specifically engage.

Sometimes you may not want but you are not doing anything to prevent. Sometimes people consciously bring themselves under an influence.
The kingdom of God is a kingdom and it has its modus operando, it has its functional methodology, its rules. There is no kingdom without rules, order. There must be something that guides or trigger a kingdom’s functionality.

Therefore if you want to submit to a kingdom, you are directly submitting to its dos and don’ts. You are taking an oath to abide by its rules or order.

Three Important Facts Believers needs to Understand About the Spiritual Realm

  1. The word of God is the God of the kingdom of light, the ruler, the only one that call the shots, the only one that detect the pace. The word of God is the power of the kingdom of light.

The word of God is the way, the truth and the life in the kingdom of light. The word of God is the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega in the kingdom of light. The more you know and understand the word, the more you gain dominion and authority in the kingdom.

The Spiritual Realm
The Spiritual Realm

The only thing that created Satan and its demons is the word of God and the only thing that can destroy them is the word, and the only thing that Satan fear is the word of God.

  1. Believers should understand that Satan does not wait for them to tender a special invitation before he can start an operation in your border. Satan undergoes a research every second to discover an area that you are ignorant of. He is completely blocked in an area that you have adequate knowledge. It means every of your ignorance is your downfall.
  2. The spiritual realm was created by God, not for Satan and demons. God made it as a medium of operation between him, man, and angels. Every conversation you have with God is in the realm of the spirit. Every interaction, encounter with God is in the realm of the spirit.

The revelation of the word of God during your studies happens in the realm of the spirit. Every interaction you have with God, angels is in the realm of the spirit. And you are a spirit living in the flesh.
How the kingdom of darkness function

The demons are the elements or objects of operation in the kingdom of darkness. If a man wants Satan to help him prosper, or become a governor, win election, or achieve anything in life. All that Satan does is to attach a demon or some demons to the person to manipulate operations, conditions, atmospheres in favor of the person involved.

Sometimes a man is being possessed by the demon to use him or her directly to achieve certain aim as was agreed by Satan and certain humans.

The person might be possessed by demons and everything about the person, to his or actions, including speeches will be manipulated by demons in favor of the mission at hand. A lot of people are not aware that they are being resisted in the realm of the spirit, and that’s why they are not where they are supposed to be.

If you are working so much and earning so little, there is a limitation place on you not to go far in life. This limitations are placed by demons in the spiritual ream.
Demons orchestrate things to favor those who patronize them or engage them. People that supposed to buy things at your shop will be diverted to your neighbor’s shop because your neighbor is a patronage to the services of those demons.

How the kingdom of light function

While demons are the agents of manipulation of things in the kingdom of darkness. Angels of God are rather not the tool that God uses to make things happen for believers or Christians.

Those in the kingdom of darkness get help from demons in order to succeed, be fruitful, wealthy. In the kingdom of light it is different, you do not hook up to angels to gain spiritual authority to rule and dominate the spiritual realm. Rather you hook up to the word of God.

In the kingdom of light you build your spirit using the knowledge of the word of of God to a level where you gain enough authority to reign.

The Spiritual Realm – Basic functional structure

The spiritual realm is the unseen world, quite different from the earth that is seen. Because it cannot be seen by any physical eyes means it can only be occupied by invisible beings called spirits.
There are three different groups of spirit. We have God and his angels, secondly we have human spirits, and lastly we have Satan and his demons.

The spiritual realm exist within any space of creation; on earth and any other planet.
The three different groups of spirits that occupy the spiritual realm belongs to two different kingdoms; the kingdom of darkness, which is of Satan and his demons, and the kingdom of light which is the kingdom of God.

The Spiritual Realm
The Spiritual Realm

You need to understand how the two kingdoms that operate in the spiritual realm function. Coming under the influence of any of this kingdom is strictly based on individuals.
By this I mean one person’s spiritual atmosphere may be influenced by the kingdom of light while another may be influenced by the kingdom of darkness, it all depends on what individuals allow or specifically engage.

Sometimes you may not want but you are not doing anything to prevent. Sometimes people consciously bring themselves under an influence.
The kingdom of God is a kingdom and it has its modus operando, it has its functional methodology, its regulations. There is no kingdom without rules, order. There must be something that guides or trigger a kingdom’s functionality.

Therefore if you want to submit to a kingdom, you are directly submitting to its rules. You are taking an oath to abide by its rules or order.

Three Important Facts Believers Needs to Understand about the Spiritual Realm

  1. The word of God is the God of the kingdom of light, the ruler, the only one that call the shots, the only one that detect the pace. The word of God is the power of the kingdom of light.

The word of God is the way, the truth and the life in the kingdom of light. The word of God is the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega in the kingdom of light. The more you know and understand the word, the more you gain dominion and authority in the kingdom.

The only thing that created Satan and its demons is the word of God and the only thing that can destroy them is the word, and the only thing that Satan fear is the word of God.

  1. Believers should understand that Satan does not wait for them to tender a special invitation before he can start an operation in your border. Satan undergoes a research every second to discover an area that you are ignorant of. He is completely blocked in an area that you have adequate knowledge. It means every of your ignorance is your downfall.
  2. The spiritual realm was created by God, not for Satan and demons. God made it as a medium of operation between him, man, and angels. Every conversation you have with God is in the realm of the spirit. Every interaction, encounter with God is in the realm of the spirit.

The revelation of the word of God during your studies happens in the realm of the spirit. Every interaction you have with God, angels is in the realm of the spirit. And you are a spirit living in the flesh.
How the kingdom of darkness function

The demons are the elements or objects of operation in the kingdom of darkness. If a man wants Satan to help him prosper, or become a governor, win election, or achieve anything in life. All that Satan does is to attach a demon or some demons to the person to manipulate operations, conditions, atmospheres in favor of the person involved.

Sometimes a man is being possessed by the demon to use him or her directly to achieve certain aim as was agreed by Satan and certain humans.

The person might be possessed by demons and everything about the person, to his or actions, including speeches will be manipulated by demons in favor of the mission at hand. A lot of people are not aware that they are being resisted in the realm of the spirit, and that’s why they are not where they are supposed to be.

If you are working so much and earning so little, there is a limitation place on you not to go far in life. This limitations are placed by demons in the spiritual ream.

Demons orchestrate things to favor those who patronize them or engage them. People that supposed to buy things at your shop will be diverted to your neighbor’s shop because your neighbor is a patronage to the services of those demons.

How the kingdom of light function

While demons are the agents of manipulation of things in the kingdom of darkness. Angels of God are rather not the tool that God uses to make things happen for believers or Christians.

Those in the kingdom of darkness get help from demons in order to succeed, be fruitful, wealthy. In the kingdom of light it is different, you do not hook up to angels to gain spiritual authority to rule and dominate the spiritual realm. Rather you hook up to the word of God.

In the kingdom of light you build yourself up spiritually using the knowledge of the word of GOD till you gain enough light to rule and dominate the spiritual realm.
God’s plan is that every believer must use the knowledge of the word to develop that inherent ability that enable enable them to stay above every demon.

Angels are rather here to defend the word of God whenever the man of the word which should be you invokes the word. Angels of God will be useless to you if you do not have enough of the light that comes from the word of God.

The Plan of God for Believers

What is the plan of God to make sure his people excel? How did God plan to take care of his own? That plan was already settled at the entrance of the Holy Spirit into the earth. The salvation plan of God was total, perfect; man was completely delivered and kept in charge of the spiritual realm.

But that has to happen only through the knowledge and understanding of the word of God. If you are still limited, bound, it is your fault.
Everything to be completely free, perfect, is handed over to you as a Christian once you are born of God.

It is just a piety that some believers are still limited, still sick, still being resisted by devils. They are allowing demons to be the one that detect the pace in their own spiritual Realm.

The Spiritual Realm
The Spiritual Realm

This means you are not using your manual, you are operating in the earth without manual. No wonder those believers are still praying and asking God for breakthroughs, for supplies, to take away hindrances, no wonder they are still having needs, no, this was not the plan.

The plan was for you to be in charge, in control of the spiritual realm, you were to be in authority and total dominion of the spiritual realm but through the knowledge and understanding of the word of God.

You were to call the shots, you were to determine who gets the wealth, where the money goes to, to be completely free and perfect means you were not to be limited anymore by demons, you were not to be sick again, you were not to have any need whatsoever again.
You were supposed to just wake up and be worshiping God every day, because of his goodness. This is what angels do every day.

I use to think of how angels feel when they see man still struggling, still lagging behind when total freedom was made available, yet no one is utilizing or making use of it. God assigned his grace to work for man, yet man would prefer his physical energy, sometimes because of greed.

This is why men die young because their physical power or energy can only go so far. There was ever increasing power without limit made available but men are still being exhausted and quenched on the way because of ignorance.

The plan of God was never for you to lack anything, to be in need of anything. You were to be in charge of the earth. Man is the god of the earth, the ruler, you are the king of the earth as a believer, and you are the owner of the earth.

The reason why Jesus made some statement when he was on earth was because the Holy Spirit had not yet come. Jesus himself asserted this fact. You are not a stranger in the earth, not after the Holy Spirit has come to earth.

Why everything about God has to do with his word.

The presence of the Holy Spirit is the presence of the knowledge of the word that produces the light we need to take back our dominion and rule the earth again, just as Adam was in the Garden of Eden before the fall.

That’s why in the book of revelation, it was announced in heaven. The entire heaven was seeking for someone who is worthy to open the book. The book represent the revelation of the knowledge of who God is. The book represent the mind of God, the mindset of God.

The book was closed at the instant of Adam’s fall. The spirit of revelation was no more in the earth. This means there was no more understanding of the knowledge of the word.
The fruits in the Garden of Eden

God warned Adam not to eat fruits from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. The was also the tree of life in the garden. It means if you eat fruits from that tree, you will never die, you will live forever.

There were two kinds of trees in the Garden of Eden. One was a bad tree, and another was a good tree. Actually if Eve had eaten of the tree of life, that is the fruit that would have made her to be like God. I believed Satan knew that. That is why he never would have taken eve to the tree of life.

Jesus said;
The words that I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life.
Therefore the tree of life in the Garden of Eden was the word of God. That was Jesus standing there.

The Word of God is God

God centers everything about himself on the knowledge of his word. I am very curious on this subject and by the help of the Holy Spirit I am already understanding. This is the core, the center of who God is. As a matter of fact I declare, I concluded that the word of God is the atom, the indivisible particle, the matter that came together to form God.

The word of God is life, I mean the very life of God, maybe I should say; the oxygen that God breathe to live is the word of God. You need to discover who or what the word of God is. Everything that the word of God is, is who God is.

According to the bible, there is no single difference between the word of God and God himself. The word of God is the only thing that God has. The only property that he owns.

If you happen to enter God’s house, from parlor to bedroom, the only thing you will find is his word.
And how do you still reconcile this; that the word of God is the only power, the only source of power that God has.

The word of God is the only wisdom that God has. You will never find any other thing that is referred to as the wisdom of God, the power of God, the life of God, than the word of God.

The word of God is eternal life. The word of God is the kingdom of God.
The word of God is the only personality that represents all of who God is.

Revelation 19:11-16

God Dwells in his Word

Do you know that God dwells in his Word? The word of God is the house of God. Look, I have never in my life seen anything whatsoever that carry, attract the presence of God like the word of God. A lot of people will still find very hard to understand what I am talking about, why? They do not have spirit of understanding, no spirit of revelation. The Holy Spirit is still fairy tales to them.

Stop looking for God in the sky, God is not there, there’s no heaven anywhere than in the word of God. Heaven and earth was created by the word of God, therefore heaven exist in the word.

Colossians 1:15-16 King James Version

15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

Colossians 1 : 17-19

17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;

;If angels were created by the word of God, if the only thing they hearken to is the word of God, it means they exist in the word, it means they live in the word. If God lives in the word, the angels live in the word, then heaven is in the word.

Everything was created by the word of God for the word of God and in the word of God everything consist. It means outside the word of God nothing will exist anywhere, both in heaven and on earth.

The more you stay in revelation, the more you see God appear, I mean in tangible form. You can’t say you pray more than me till me and you happens to be there at the same time, I have fasted, 3 days dry many times, I have fasted 21 days, 40 days. I was born again when I was 14 years old, I was in primary 5, in a deeper life crusade that was held in my school.

My prayer is always long, I don’t know how to pray 5, 10, 20, 30 minutes. It is now that I begin to pray short prayers. I do not pray as often as I used to, now, some days I do not even pray because I stay on the word all through. I have served a man of God for more than 20 years. I have lived in church, sleep there every night. If you think of zeal and passion for God, I had it.

This is to let you know that I have tried to experience, know and discover who God is in very many ways, but I have never, all my life, experience him, touch his tangibility, his presence, I have never experience his power, I have never experience progress in life, I have never enjoyed Christianity, the way I do when I am consistently under the spirit of revelation and understanding of the knowledge of his word.

It is only after I developed such a passion for the word of God and took it so personal as the only thing I want: it was at this point I discovered who God is, and actually enjoyed his disposition.

It therefor mean the reality of God can only be found in the knowledge of his word. Whenever I pray, God will descend and speak to me, I feel his presence, at that moment everything in me stands still. I cannot lift up any part of my body till he is done. This has happen to me countless times before now. The difference is that, after each of this encounter and I left the prayer vicinity, my life remain the same, no change.

If I was poor, I remain poor, I still experienced disappointments, frustrations, no spiritual growth. I only sat under the aura of the revelation of the word for one week, and everything in me, about me turned. Look if you keep a dead man around this light at this moment, he will rise.

Factors that can hinder your ability to stay under the spirit of revelation

Do not depend on the services you attend in church for your spiritual growth, it does not happen. Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you personally, that’s why he came. What your pastor gives to you in church can never be enough.

Your pastor is addressing the entire congregation, so how does he talk to you. That is one. The ability of your pastor to yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit to teach the entire congregation is another. Thirdly, how do concentrate to receive what you have to.

When you are communing with God, you need concentration, you need time. Even when your earthly father is talking to you, you do not stand up when he is not done. The Holy Spirit hates where you will be distracted when he is teaching.

The Foundation of Christianity

The revelation of the word of God is the foundation of Christianity. This is where you should dwell as a believer. This should be your daily food. Until you eat enough of this each day, do not go anywhere, do not do anything. This is your life as a believer.

Honestly I always feel like I am the president of the entire world. This is the only place where we meet God one on one. This is the only place you can enjoy Christianity. Outside of here, Christianity is suffering, frustration, all because it is without power.

A son of God is supposed to be god. If God is all powerful, then god cannot be without power. We have to revisit the way we play our Christianity believers. A man is born of God but nothing in him proves that he has anything to do with God.

John 10:35

If he called them gods unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken.
It means you can only be a god after the word of God has come to you as a believer, not after you are born again. It is only the word of God that has the power to make you a god. It was the word of God that died for you, it was the word of God that got you born again, and it is only the word of God that can make you a god.

JOHN 10:27

My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow;
V28 and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish…
Jesus has said here that the only qualification for you to be a sheep is that you hear the word of God.

Lack of the knowledge of the word is the reason why you will preach to some people and they look at you and shook their head saying; if this is what Christianity is all about, I rather remain where I am. Because they are not seeing any evidence that you are carrying Jesus on your head. You can never meet God and remain the same, you can never meet God and nothing changes around you.

Affliction comes only from The Devil

God is not a failure. God is not frustrated, God is not poor, and God is not oppressed, depressed. How can you declare that you live in God, and you are experiencing all those things?

Let us stop deceiving ourselves, a lot of believers do deceive themselves. You hear people say things like; be patient, God’s time is the best, wait for God, God will one day visit you. This is not true, these are all lies against God. It is different from when you are seeking God’s consent to carry out a project, and God may tell you no, not yet, wait.

God can never tell you to wait and still be poor for some time, still be oppressed for a while, depressed for a while, and be frustrated for a season. Never should you stay one more second in affliction because it is never in God’s consent. The devil has simply taken over your territory because you are ignorant, stubborn, and rebellious.

You just would not obey God to sit on the knowledge and understanding of his word day and night, it is not your priority, and it is not even part of the list of your needs.
If you are trying to relocate and God says no, this is understood. But let it never be that you are poor, frustrated, you have no job, you cannot marry, you are not succeeding in life, no, this one is not God saying wait, because this is why Jesus came and shed his blood for your freedom.

If you are not excelling as a believer, the only reason is because you are being disobedient, you are not spending enough time in the acquisition of the knowledge of the word of God. If you like live in the choir, live in the church building, live in the ushering unit, fast for 1000 days, none of these activities builds your spirit. The only thing that can put you in control, in dominion of the spiritual realm is spending enough time daily to acquire the understanding of the knowledge of the word of God.

How to Get the Spirit of revelation

It is not hard. The first thing you need to do is to understand that this is all you need. The second thing is to ask God for the spirit of understanding and revelation.

The Holy Spirit is a person, if you can get closer to him and make him your friend, it makes the whole thing a lot easier because whichever way, the Holy Spirit is going to be the one teaching you the word of God. This is the only reason he is on earth; to teach you the word of God.
If you got the understanding of the word of God from any other source, apart from the Holy Spirit, you have entered error.

The Holly Spirit is the only teacher of the word of God. No mortal man can teach you the word, including your pastor. If your pastor could do that, then there would have been no need for the Holy Spirit to come to Earth.

This means if your pastor teach you anything that the understanding did not come from the Holy Spirit, then both you and him are living in Error.
The way our brain sees and understand things is far different from how God think.
The Bible says as far as the heaven is from the earth, that is how different the thoughts of God is from that of man.

The best part of life is discovered at the moment you have decided to live for the knowledge of the word of God. This is when you discover that Christianity is the best thing that can happen to a man.
This is when my spirit is built up, this is when I am growing as a believer, this is when I experience the dominion, authority, power in real life, and I can see it, feel it, experience it on a daily bases.

I used to be so disappointed in life, no favor everywhere I go. Demons were resisting me at every turn, but you can’t compare the peace, the freedom, where are they now, where are the disappointments, where are the frustrations. I did not even notice when they all left.

My concentration is on the word every day. This is what I do full time. If God does not have any other thing than his word, it means if God was to be me, all he would be doing is to sit with the word from morning till night. He would not have worked anywhere than to sit on the word full time He would not have care for any other thing than the word. Nothing else mean anything to God than his word.

Outside of the word, it is not God you are relating with. The only way you can relate with God is through his word. You will never be able to relate with God outside of his word. Forget what happened in the Old Testament, this is a new covenant. In the new covenant, the word of God is the only God that man is permitted to know.

God told me more than 20 years ago that every time I consistently stay on the light of his word, I will be going up or making progress in life, and once I am not consistent I will be going down. This is exactly how it has been.

If staying in the light of God’s word is not the center of your life as a believer, if you are not spending quality time everyday under the revelation of the knowledge of God’s word, watch it, seriously watch it, you will be struggling. Light is the only thing that will keep darkness away, you must stay in the light, consistently.

Ask and God will give you the spirit of revelation, spirit of understanding. These spirits are for every believer, everyone is meant to have them. The Holy Spirit is for everyone, as long as you are a believer who lives in the earth and want to fulfill destiny, you need quality time on a daily bases for the Holy Spirit to teach you the word of God.

Matthew 6:33 King James Version

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

I told you Jesus death and resurrection was to pay the price for the freedom of man on earth, note that I said on earth. What Jesus did was for the salvation of man; spirit, soul and body. The salvation of the spirit is immediate, once you are born again. The freedom of the soul is why the Holy Spirit came because it has to be by knowledge of the word which the Holy Spirit is the only teacher.

You rule the earth by your mindset

There is a great difference between your spirit and your mind. Your spirit is what connects you to God. Your spirit is where your relationship with God is connected. Your spirit is reserved primarily for God. Your spirit does not relate with the earth or the things of the earth. It is your soul that connects you with the earth.
It is true that your flesh fights God, but it can be tamed, it can be put in subjection whereby the fight is very insignificant. That is where the bible says you can die to it.

The flesh can only fight God through your mind. It means the power of the flesh is in the mind, why? Because of the kind of things the mind had been fed with.

All that the mind knew were all contrary to what God expects or want because it was being fed by the devil. Now look at this; God was always coming to commune with Adam in the Garden of Eden. All that Adam knew was the mind of God before the fall because all he ever heard were all from God before the fall, therefore he had the mindset of God.

Adam had the mindset of God before the fall. It was this mind of God that Adam used to control the earth. It means Adam was thinking exactly the way God would think before the fall. Information forms your thoughts, those information come through what you hear, see, and feel. Your thoughts forms your believe, your believe now forms your faith. Your level of faith is what determines how much power you get to dominate the spiritual realm.

I am not writing fairy tales here, there are people that are operating on this level right now, not necessarily pastors because a lot of people have attributed God to only pastors. They have denied their father and attributed him to a group of people.

The good life is for every man on earth, this is the plan of God for every man because the earth was created for man. The earth was never created for Satan and his demons. The earth was specifically created for man. Therefor man is the god of the earth.

Just the way the whole creation thing started, that is the way it was designed to function. After creation, man (Adam) was the god of the earth, he was the ruler, not the caretaker but the owner of the earth. God handed over the entire earth to Adam after creation. Adam was the one that named all the animals. Adam was the one who decided where whatever was to be.

Even from its originality, Adam could only rule the earth when he was still with the perfect mind of God as he was created. It means God had designed from the beginning, that man would only rule the earth by the word of God because the word of God is the perfect mind of God. Even now, the more of the word you get with its understanding, the more authority and dominion you have on the earth.

Depth of faith is arrived at through depth of information. The more information you have on an issue, the more you are convinced, the more you are convinced, the deeper the depth of believe, and the higher the level of faith.

Adam had an absolute believe system. Every information that came into Adam’s system came from God, no other source. Adam was created with a perfect mindset of God. There was no need for bible, no need to meditate on scriptures.

There was nothing wrong, therefore had nothing to correct, everything was perfect.
We have to study bible today to be able to differentiate right from wrong. We need revelation from the study of the word now in order to develop the grace to live like God, think like God, and do the right by doing what God would do.

Therefore Adam had an absolute believe system that had not an iota of contradiction with the mind of God. The absolute believe system is what produces absolute faith without an iota of doubt which eventually generate such a great faith and power that made Adam god on the earth.

Information >> Thoughts >> Believe >> Faith >> Power >> god >> your dominion

This is the plan of God for man, this is the plan of God for his people. This is how the kingdom of light function. This is why the earth was created by God for man, so that man can rule the earth by knowledge. When I use the word ‘earth’ it includes the spiritual realm.

Satan is only trying his best to make sure you do not have access to that knowledge because this is the only way he can rub of your status as god of the earth.
After the fall, God pulled out, Adam was cut off from God. The question is; what was now forming Adams thought after the fall, since God pulled out.

Adam ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
That knowledge of evil is not part of the mindset of God. Satan had to take over, there can never be any vacant position. There is never any neutral man on earth, if God is not occupying your thought through his word, definitely Satan has taken over immediately.

The Word of God Has Total Control over the Spiritual Realm.

The word of God created the heavens and the earth, including Satan. Everything on earth was created by the word. This means the word of God created both the seen and the unseen world, so the word of God created the spiritual realm. The word of God is the only person that control and manipulate anything in the spiritual realm.

The word of God does not just have total control over everything it created but can equally destroy them. It is the word that will sit on the white throne to judge the entire earth on the judgement day.
Satan is not in control of the spiritual realm, the word of God has the total control over the spiritual realm because the word created both Satan and the spiritual realm.

Therefore the word of God has total control over Satan and the spiritual realm. Satan only takes advantage of his living in the spirit realm to afflict the ignorant; those who lacks knowledge and understanding of the word of God that created the spiritual realm.

But it is rather a piety that because of lack of adequate knowledge of the word of God, demons are rather keeping you hungry, determining how much you earn, whether you should marry or not, whether you should have a child or not, demonic devours surrounds your pocket.

You are the one that have decided to reduce yourself to shame just because you refuse to take up responsibility to stay, live, sleep and wake up on the knowledge and understanding of the word.
I wish you would stay without food each day, till you know and understand the word of God for at least 6 hours per day.

Why not live for the word? Eat the word and make it your only food? Drink the word? And sleep the word? Since this is the only thing that can make you. You have been told already that this is your life, why not live for it since you have to?

Or are you still afraid, afraid of the word, afraid of God himself? Or afraid of your very life? That the word of God may fail? That they are not sure of what they are saying? You are thinking whether God who created you would fail? He did not fail when he created you then how will he fail in making you whom he created you to be? If you are still doubting the word of God, if you do not believe in the word of God, then you better go and die because nothing else would work.

May be you are only thinking Satan works, but he does not go anywhere if not for to kill, to steal and to destroy, but Jesus came that you may have life and have it more abundantly.
Well, I believe I have shown you the reality of the spiritual realm, how it function. It is left for you to take your decision on who to follow; the word of God or your laxity?

Turn Men messages are being inspired by the Holy Spirit. If you spend time to meditate and pray on these messages, you will be empowered by the flood of light from God that will heal, restore anything lost and most importantly build your spirit to dominate the world as a son.

In case you are not born of God yet, you cannot reject Jesus. You were created by Jesus for Jesus. God created you for himself. To reject Jesus is to rebel against God. Jesus is your life, to reject Jesus is to reject your life. Give your life a meaning by turning to Jesus today; repent, accept Jesus into your heart as your lord and savior and be born of God now, it may be late after now!!!!! Do not postpone. Please follow this steps to obey God now.

I believe you now know about the spiritual realm and how it operate.

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